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Meliodas POV

"Um....what kind of person was she?" Elizabeth asked "Lets see....She was the total opposite of you" i said to her 'in more ways than one' I thought to myself. "Strong willed and we fought a lot. But....she was similar to you Elizabeth" I went on to tell Elizabeth about Liz "You're a lot like her in this way too" Meli said doing something he shouldnt have been doing.

"Is that a form of greeting?" Gowther asked "IN A PIGS EYE" hawk screamed.

~Time Skip Brought To You by Meliodas and Bans Delicious Abs🤤~

(Y/n) POV

I walked down stairs to see everyone. My head was pounding. I greeted everyone goodmorning and they did the same back. I sat beside King slowly. King and Meli chuckled at my hangover. "Whats up with that" Ban asked gowther as he squeezed his chest.

"The greeting the captain was giving yesterday" everyone froze knowing that I heard but right now the only thing I was concerned with was getting rid of this headache.

"I said thats not right!" hawk yelled. "HAWK" i raised my voice at him trying to tell him to shut the hell up. "Sorry (Y/n)" I put my head down. Meli came over and rested his hand on my head. I tilted my head a bit.

"Save me from this headache" "Unfortunately there is no cure" he shrugged and I glared at him. "So where are we headed now?" Ban asks "Do you have a lead on our next comrade by any chance?" King questions.

They continue asking where we were going and when were going to get there. I walk outside all this talking was hurting my head. I see diane and she gives me a saddened smile. "Are you okay mom" I nod my head laying down on mama hawk.

Until Diane put her head into the window breaking it. I touch my temples in aggravation. After a few minutes I walk in, Elizabeth is in my way. "Can you move" I say to her she acts like she doesnt hear me. I move forward a little not much since someone stopped me.

I turn back to see a odd woman with a mask. Elizabeth is in front of me so I dont have many places to go. "They are the last things to break the key" the weird one said.

I felt something push me back into the woman and knew it was Elizabeth so I pulled her with me. "(Y/N) ELIZABETH GET AWAY FROM THAT PERSON" meli screamed making my head pound even more.

She made us disappear and reappear in a cell.

Meliodas POV

They disappeared and anger consumed me. She took them both "Dammit!!!!" I yelled grabbing my sword running outside telling Diane to launch me in the direction of the castle to get my wife and Elizabeth back.

Ban and Gowther joining me and Diane did what she was told. We were headed to the capital.

(Y/n) POV

"Where am I....Sir Meliodas?" I hear Elizabeth ask "You mean where are WE and why are you calling out for my husband?" I interrupt scaring her a bit. "Lady (Y/n) I-" "Welcome Liones" that lady appearead again then disappeared.

Soon hawk came busted us out 'Ban I hate you' I said to myself that stupid drinking contest. Elizabeth and I walked out of the cell but pain struck me in the stomach as I realized I'd been stabbed. I tried to get in contact with Meli.

"Meli" "(Y/n)!!! Is Elizabeth okay???" This made me scowl "Yeah Elizabeth is fine" "Thank Goodness" "You know whos not okay YOUR WIFE!!!" "WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED?" "Tch Ive been stabbed not like you care anyway and its not like I can heal myself in front of her so I'm just going to bleed out maybe ill die oops wait I cant die you know why because I'm immortal you know why im immortal BECAUSE I AM CURSED ALONG WITH YOU AND FUCKING ELIZABETH YOU KNOW WHY WE ARE CURSED MELIODAS?!? DO YOU KNOW WHY WE ARE CURSED?!? BECAUSE OF ELIZABETH I HAVE SAT AND WATCHED YOU FALL FOR THIS GIRL FOR THE PAST 3000 YEARS IM OVER IT IM THROUGH WITH IT I JUST WANT IT TO END. SHE PUT THE STUPID SPELL ON YOU TO MAKE YOU FALL FOR HER AND LOOK WHERE THAT GOT US AND YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE WE ARE HELPING THE VERY PERSON WHO DID THIS TO US IN THE FIRST PLACE ITS HER FAULT AND I REFUSE TO LET THIS WENCH TAKE MY HAPPINESS AWAY FROM ME AGAIN!!!

"(Y/n) I- " "Save it once this is over breaking this curse is top priority. Im with Elizabeth now trying not to kill her where she stands you better hope I dont let my rage take over me" "(Y/n)" he said in a warning tone.

"(Y/n) nothing I'm tired of being the second girl in my own husbands life you know what Ill talk to you later". I put up a wall so we can no longer communicate.

"Father Father!" Elizabeth yelled. My eyebrow twitched in annoyance "Hey pipe down the guards will come if you shout too loud" hawk told her. We heard someone call her name which turned out to be her sister.

My wound is not healing at all something wasnt right. What the hell did they stab me with. As they had a touching reunion I leaned up against the wall. Hawk turned to me "Hey are you alright" "Im fine" I said harshly not really meaning it that way. I was just upset.

That woman reappeared and she was asking Elizabeth to come with her. Her talking was starting to irritate me. Hawk ran her into a wall and she sent him away making Elizabeth bump her head into a wall. "HAWK" i scream. Dammit.

The woman disappears again this time taking Elizabeth with her. I get up and go towards the door looking at the princess. "Hey do you wanna get outta there" she hesitated and started to go on and on about how she couldn't.

I roll my eyes and interrupt her "Okay I get but can you back away from the door I need something to punch" she backs away and I punch the door in to the other side of the cell. "Now you can choose whether or not you wanna leave". I limp away every step I took blood came out love that for me.

Meliodas POV

I deflected the attack sent to authur. "You sure added a scary power to you arsenal since I last saw you! Sate sate sate. Im not really in a good mood right now. Give me my wife and Elizabeth back".

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