Snippet of Remnants of 4 (my actual book)

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It would mean a lot if you actually read this and told me your thoughts on it. Its just a snippet of the story not even a full page but yeah ive been having a bit if writters block though so...that was so unimportant but ANYWAYS enjoy?

I plan to keep that promise I want to help the ones he hurt and end his reign of terror that has been happening for the past 2 years but it is no secret that I am not strong enough to do it but with- "  "and you want me to do it? That's pretty cowardly. Tell me something, do you know how far King Cethar has reached with this spell of his? This spell has touched all 6 kingdoms. I'm sure that you haven't noticed the dark clouds and dead trees. Did you realize he's poisoning everything it's even reached the next kingdom: Eldrania, farther than that even. See you've only been looking at the big issue and disregarding the others or it could be that you just didn't notice either way I hate that. I don't care much for humanity or anything really but I don't like small-minded people. They irritate me and make me want to send a ball of energy straight through their heart". Kei leans in closer to Arden and her eyes start to glow, Arden ignores the obvious fear welling in her stomach of what Kei could do to her. She closed her eyes and sighed, relaxing. "Basically what I'm saying is I hate people like you" "Hey!" Connie said in Ardens defense. "It's okay Connie, she's right. It is cowardly, and I have no right to ask for your help, I didn't notice anything, I didn't notice the trees, the ground the grass I didn't notice anything at all" Arden thought to herself how she could have missed all of this when she had been traveling for the last 4 days. "Hold on I didn't notice either everything seemed normal to me" Connie put her hand on her chin thinking back to the past couple days. "You weren't looking hard enough...take a look now". The girls ran to the door and opened it, their eyes widening with their mouths agape. Kei was right, it was completely dead there were no leaves on the trees, the grass was barely there and if it was it was in brown patches spread across the land unevenly. Negative thoughts swarmed through the blonde girl's head. Connie looked at her friend trying to read her emotions though it wasn't very hard it was written all over her face. "Arden..." "I didn't notice this at all" she started lowly "It's okay Arden" '"No it's not how am I supposed to help people if I couldn't even see this" she said her eyes glossy nearly crying. ''Hmmm you're pretty quick to give up, relax it was a spell a pretty weak one" "What do you mean'' Connie asks "Meaning its an illusion but to the trained eye you can see through it seems like your eyes aren't as trained as I thought they'd be." Arden's eyes casted down to her shoes, in just a few minutes she has never felt more useless. She thought that she was pretty good at magic but then again Arden had never really gone up against different opponents, only the ones in castle and she got used to their attacks pretty quickly since she trained with them every day. "I'm not saying you aren't skilled but you do have ways to go and as for the King why don't you just bind his magic instead of killing him he is your dad after all" "He stopped being my father the moment my mother died he's just an empty shell of what he used to be, and a spell like that is impossible for me but you would be able to-" "I never said I was joining you..." Arden's expression fell slightly. Kei took another sip of her tea putting two cubes of sugar in her cup stirring it slowly.  She looked at her reflection in her drink and sighed, her eyes traveled over to Arden slowly, the bored look she held still sitting on her face gracefully. "I'm trying to give you an alternative because if I'm being honest I don't think you'll be able to-", she stopped mid sentence.
      The room went silent "Whats wr-" Connie started to ask until Kei covered her mouth. This took both Arden and Connie by surprise. Kei clicked her tongue and grabbed Arden and Connie


"You know Yumi?!? Is she okay?" Arden and Connie asked loudly, getting the girls attention. "She's fine. Jeez is this girl really that important" Eve groaned "Whatever you got what you wanted now give me what I want" Kei sighed. She faced Eve and chanted a spell , "Z Tri Zai Ekna Bei  Atros Con Leh Des Unka Te Tenk Abliese  Lehmate Breja Et Bi Abli Eh Mejeh Z Cate Uptos Teh Hetemejah Davage"  A purple light glared through a circle with a large spade and strange writing beneath the two. Kei walked closer to her and kissed her. When the light died down they parted from each other, Eve dropping to her knees panting. Kei bent down on one knee and reached out her hand "Are you okay" when she finally caught her breath she grabbed her hand and stood up "yes I am thank you" Kei whispered in her ear something inaudible to Arden and Connie who had their mouths open in shock. Eve sighed and bid her farewell. The brown haired girl turned to the two "WHAT ON EARTH WAS THAT" they both said.

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