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I put my hands out "Equip Virtute" Diane starts glowing her body fully white as she transforms. An outfit appears on Diane along with a hammer. She opened her eyes and looks around then looks at her self. Her eyes widening "Wow I look so cute" I chuckle at her.

"This is Dianes soul that you're seeing Diane how do you feel" "I feel...powerful" she states. They all look at her in a amazement "go ahead and try it out with the power you have you should be- actually dont do anything if you cant control it you might send everyone flying" She nodded her head. Also you can see that her weapon is similar to that of her sacred treasure. As for the information on that I cannot tell you a coincidence maybe?"

I think for a second actually wondering how much power Diane has. "Can everyone move away for a second like far but to where you can see. "Meli protect Elizabeth this might get a little crazy" he nodded his head. Diane I want you to do something" She looked at me curiously.

"Normally you would be able to lift up the entire town with you Gideon right? Well I want you to lift up from the moutain which is about 100 yards away to here" I say causing her to gasp as well as the others "Are you crazy?!? I cant do something like that" "Just try it" She raised her hammer in the air smashing it down causing everything to go up including the moutain.

After everything settled down I explained to her "This is only part of you power as you all can see Diane's power widely increased. Now diane how do you feel" "The exact same I dont feel like I used any of my magic" "Thats because you didnt all your magic comes from me but even if I can do this it doesn't last long. Im not sure about the time interval but its probably around 30-45 minutes eveything I do is timed and if I use my magic while shes like this" I teleport to meli. "Then her equip will go away" I say looking at Diane who was back to normal.

They all looked at me completely at a loss for words "You're AMAZING!!!" they all screamed. I blush "T-Thank you" Elizabeth looked at me like she wanted to ask something else.

"What is it" I ask her. She shrieked "Whos soul is your favorite to use" I can tell that not really what her question was but ill answer it. "Thats a good question" meli stated. Everyones eyes were on me.

"Well everyones souls are pretty amazing I cant possibly choose" "Ah come one Mom you gotta have a favorite" Ban says. "I dont know lets see Dianes is pretty damn amazing the power I have when I use hers is awesome" "So that means Im the best" Diane says happily. "But Bans is also pretty cool. His axe is not only powerful but is light weight so its fast and really sharp its an amazing weapon" Ban stuck his tongue out at Diane "So that means I have the best ome" he says.

"Kings soul is something to cower at as well. The spear can do so much more damage than you think more than his sacred treasure" King crosses his arms grinning.

"Merlins soul is maybe the easiest to use but the power is ridiculously high and sometimes hard to control and Escanors is the one thats seriously hard to handle. See this is why I told you I cant choose" "Wait what about Sir Meliodas" Elizabeth asks.

"Now that I think about it I dont think Ive ever seen Captain weapon" King says "Me either" Diane agrees as does Ban. "His soul is..." I look over at him to see him happily drinking ale next to me. 'What the hell do I tell them?' 'The truth' 'You want me to tell them the reason I dont use your soul is because its so dangerous that it can kill anything it lays its touch on?!?' 'Good point just tell them its dangerous' 'Okay'

"His soul can be very dangerous so I choose not to use it" They all nodded their heads in understanding.  "So can you use your own soul Lady (Y/n)" "I can and tomorrow I would like to train with you if you wouldnt mind" "Of course" they all say.

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