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It was a painful truth. Despite having been blessed with the knowledge at a young age, it would constantly rise up and smack him directly in the face.

Life wasn't fair. And this was exceptionally unfair.

He wondered if Seokjin would be given a choice in all of this, but he already knew the answer. If anything, he would be given even less of an opinion than the alphas he was being paraded in front of.


There was absolutely zero information floating around Kim Seokjin, a true rarity given their social status. All that could be gained was purely by word of mouth, and even then it was entirely complimentary. It should be impossible that someone who was barely seen out in public should have that many fans. Yet somehow, everyone seemed to know him.

Jungkook thought back to each and every event he had ever attended. To all of the times he had been forced to bow before the Kim's and act like they were somehow superior because they had produced more alphas. Tried to remember each time Jimin had excitedly pointed them out. There were, he knew, three brothers. Namjoon, Taehyung and Seokjin.

Actually, now that he thought back on it, he didn't actually have any idea what Taehyung looked like either. He'd never really paid that much attention. Just a glance at Namjoon to satisfy Jimin and that had always been about it.

Really, he didn't even understand why he was worried. Chances were nothing was going to come of this anyway. When it came to the Kim's, they expected the best of everything. And unfortunately, the Jeon's just fell incredibly short.

Somehow though, he got the feeling it was still going to be his fault.


"Mr. Jeon?" God he hated being called that. But it was part of being groomed to one day take over his families business. Had to fall into the habit of thinking he was above everyone else now, before it was too late.

"Yes, Baekhyun?" His assistant was a tiny little thing, an Omega who often looked like he couldn't believe this was to be his lot in life. Working here for a bunch of pumped up Alpha's instead of out there doing something worth while. But it paid well. That was probably the only upside. That and he had gotten Jungkook.

"There's a phone call for you on line one." Jungkook simply nodded, reaching for the phone out of instinct. "And uh, just to warn you? I'm pretty sure it's someone from Kim Industries."

"Fucking Christ." It had been actual weeks since his mother had sent along the requested information - not that he actually knew what that was. He supposed it was probably his entire medical history and the rewritten story of his life to make him sound much more attractive and important than he really was. "Hello, this is Jeon Jungkook."

"Hello again, young man. It's Mrs. Kim. I'm certain you remember me. We met at your brothers wedding."

"Yes of course, Mrs. Kim, how could I forget. It's an honor to hear from you. How can I be of service to you?" He wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

"Well dear, as you know your mother has been trying desperately to sell you to me for my Seokjin." What was he even supposed to say to that?

"I'm aware, yes."

"I've given it quite a bit of thought, you see, I only want the best for my baby."

"It must be a very difficult decision." God if only he could have such problems.

"Oh it is, dear. Much more difficult than my first two." Were either of them actually married? He couldn't even remember. "But you see, the reason why I'm calling is because I keep coming back to you." Was he supposed to be happy about this information? Because he really couldn't find that emotion at the moment. "So I am calling to set up a meeting between you and my Seokjin."

"That would be wonderful, Mrs. Kim. I'm very honored that you would even consider me. Please, only tell me when and where and I will be there."

"Such a compliant young man. Yes, I'm quite certain you will be perfect for my boy. I'll have my assistant send yours the details."


"Mr. Jeon?" His head was pounding. He could feel his own heart beat in his temples and he was pretty sure he wasn't supposed to be able to do that.

"Please, no more." He had spent the last hour on the phone with his mother, her constantly squealing in his ear about what an amazing opportunity this was and how he had better not mess it up or he was going to be disowned.

"My apolo -"

"Jesus Christ, you can drop the act." He desperately wanted someone to just speak normally to him right now, instead of like the entire world should fall over themselves at their feet. The Omega simply stared at him for a moment, a little leery, before slipping inside the small office and closing the door behind him.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook. I know this really fucking sucks. But the thing is, it's gotta suck for both of you. Maybe you can at least have that in common."

"Oh yeah, that'll be a great ice breaker."

"Hey, you can always try showing them your real personality. Pretty sure that will make them change their minds."

"Why haven't I fired you yet?"

"Because Jimin is my best friend and no one else is gonna lie for you as much as I do."

"I hate how much of a point you have."


He absolutely could not fuck this up. Despite how badly he may have wanted to. There were so very many things that could go wrong and all of them could be made to seem like an accident. At least, to anyone who wasn't his mother. No, she would surely see right through what ever innocent act he would try to put on and he would end up being punished for the rest of his actual life. Which was, if expediencies continued on trend, entirely too long to suffer the consequences of one singular action.

So there he sat. Waiting. Wondering. Barely knowing what he was even looking for. Only some ethereal beauty that would surely take his breath away the moment it appeared.

Maybe it wasn't too late to gouge his own eyes out and claim it had been an accident.


Only nothing happened.

Two hours of his life completely wasted. Only to wind up sitting at the bar like the fool that he was. 

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