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"Does your family keep all of it's future spouses waiting?" That voice came out of absolutely no where, and he glanced over to catch Seokjin leaning against the brick wall of near by hotel. He was still dressed well, like he had fully intended to attend their date, but had somehow decided to wait at the last minute. Black skinny jeans that were ripped in all of the right places - if you considered the upper, inner thigh to be an appropriate place. There was a large, cream colored sweater thrown over a white button up, the collar and ends peaking out beneath the heavier fabric. Nice, but not five star restaurant nice.

"Does your mother know you're doing this?" That was really not the first question he intended to ask, but it was what came out of his mouth.

"Not a clue. She's so wrapped up in my brother's that she literally believes anything I tell her."

"She always made you sound pretty important."

"Please, you think an omega is worth anything to her? She has four other's running around that no one knows about. The only thing that makes me different is that I can give someone an heir."

"Wait, you have four other siblings? I mean, I know you said you had sisters but -"

"Two sisters and two brothers. Two worthless omegas and two equally worthless betas. Do you know how upset their existences makes my mother?"

"About as upset as my sisters and brother's existences makes my father."

"You have another brother besides Jimin?"

"Sure do. But he can't have kids so he basically got thrown out with the trash."

"That's terrible." Realistically, it wasn't. Sure, absolutely no one knew that they belonged to their families, but it offered a certain sense of freedom they wouldn't ordinarily be allowed. His sisters both had actual careers and husbands and lives that didn't revolve around what they could do to improve their family names. He envied them most of the time. Even when their mother would deny their very existence. It still seemed like a far better fate than being married off to whoever was willing to sacrifice the most.

"So... why?"

"Why what?"

"Why lie?"

"Do you know how many times I've done this? Except I've always told her the date went terrible. Do you really think I want to be stuck as some old alpha's third husband just because their last name is Lee?"

"So you'd rather be a Jeon's first husband?"

"I'd rather find someone who likes me for who I am instead of my last name, but I don't see that happening, do you?"

"I liked you pretty well before I figured it out."

"Is your heart still burning?"

"Actually it's something a little lower."


"So what are you gonna tell her about this one?"

"Whatever you want me to."

"I want to keep seeing you."

"Then it went amazing. You kissed my hand like a gentlemen and I kissed your cheek. I'm actually quite smitten with you and think we should move on to the next step."

"And that is?"

"Oh, I think it's where she gives you my phone number. Just send me some generic cutesy sounding text so she doesn't find out I already gave you the real one."

"You're really good at this lying thing."

"Yeah, I spent a lot of time watching Joonie and Taehyungie perfect it."

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