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"The absolute nerve of that woman." Sometimes he honestly forgot just how shrill an piercing his mother's voice could truly be, despite being reminded almost daily. "How could she even think of doing such a thing?"

"Because it's going to be a wedding gift from her and Jungkook's father." Of course telling his mother about their weekend plans hadn't gone over well, despite the sickeningly cute and overly formal text that had been sent to one another in an attempt to cover their tracks.

"I don't care. How could she possibly know what my baby needs?"

"That's why I'm going along, mother." It was literally just picking out a condo. What else did he truly need beyond a roof, a floor and four walls? "Didn't father's family pick out and purchase your first house?"

"Yes but that's beside the point!" He could practically see her eyes budging out of her head. "She is over stepping her bounds!"

"Weren't you the one who always said I needed to listen to my alpha? This is what my alpha wants."

"Well then maybe he shouldn't be your alpha!" Panic rose up within him at the thought of just how easily Jungkook could still be ripped away from him. All it would take is his mother changing her mind for them to never even see each other again.

"Mother please." He wasn't one to beg, would never allow himself to sink down to that level. But right now he was ready to. Ready to go down onto his knees and plead until she was satisfied. "I'm sorry. I was just trying to be a good omega and follow my alpha's lead. I thought you would be proud of me for listening to him so well."

Something seemed to change in her then, a sudden air of calm where before a violent storm had been raging. Playing up how weak and inferior omega's were to alpha's always seemed to work so perfectly with her. She had attempted to raise him to be her mirror image, a totally subservient omega who always did exactly as their alpha said.

One day he really hoped he could point out the hypocrisy of her actions to her. That she acted so self righteous and holy yet she went against her own alphas wishes constantly. That she had turned into a tyrant instead of a matriarch. That she had pushed literally all of them to make a series of choices that had lead to what was coming.

"I am proud of you, my precious Jinnie. But your alpha should have known better." It was like she conveniently forgot that Jungkook was all of eighteen and had absolutely no idea what he should actually be doing. "I wish I had known before. I would have cleared my schedule to go with you."

"It's alright. I know how very busy you are." And honestly he didn't think he could take spending the afternoon with both of their mother. "It will be alright mother. You've raised me well. I know not to settle for anything less than I deserve."

"I supposed you are going to be married soon." So much sooner than you think. "Alright, my darling. But I will need to see the listings of any you should become fond of."

"Of course mother. I would never do anything without your approval."

"Such a good boy."

It took everything inside of him not to recoil as she touched him, pulled him into her arms and wailed about how quickly her little baby had grown up. Shockingly it only lasted a few minutes before he was being saved by her assistant, reminding her that she was already running late for her apparently very important meetings.

Only seven more days.


"This next one is my favorite." As it turned out, Jungkook's mother was actually less over bearing than his own. She was definitely eager, bowing entirely too low to him upon first meeting, taking his hand between both of hers and holding it tightly. Like his last name somehow instantly meant that she was below him. But she at least didn't hover over them every single second, seemingly content to stand back and let them explore each place in their own. But nothing had caught his eye so far, all of them seemingly tiny and cramped and so far from what he was used to.

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