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He didn't have a plan. The very thing he had teased Namjoon about, and here he was, chargung full steam ahead with absolutely no idea what he was doing.

But he had spent countless hours researching that afternoon, looking up every single website and gaining and much information as he possibly could. He even went so far as to go to the courts himself and speak with someone, asking them certain questions phrased slightly differently, praying they would realize who he was.

Jungkook was, according to the Korean legal system, of age to get married without needing his parents permission. All they would need is their birth certificates to prove their ages, and two witnesses. On the surface it seemed so incredibly simple. Like he wasn't going to need a plan at all. They could go down one afternoon and just do it.

Except it wasn't going to be that easy. They weren't going to be able to do it in Seoul. They weren't going to be able to do it anywhere within hours of the city. Not only was lucky going to have to be on their side, but their brother's were as well.

Namjoon and Taehyung would buy them time. But even they could only do so much once his mother realized the truth.

So they would leave. They would leave and they would get married somewhere else. They would consummate it and they would make sure it couldn't easily be broken. After all, they were going to need something to push out into the lime light once news of Jimin and Namjoon's little accidental misstep broke. What better than to show that they were so in love they simply couldn't wait to be together? Everyone would eat it up.

He just had to hope Jungkook would agree.


"Do you always meet your future spouses in dark alley's?" The parking was behind the restaurant and bar, and Seokjin had chosen to wait there instead of simply going inside.

"Only you." Teeth sunk into his full bottom lip as he hesitated for a moment, before basically saying fuck it and letting it happen. Letting himself practically leap into the other's arms, letting their lips meet and their eyes fall closed and their hearts beat as one. It had been exactly two days since that night, but it felt like an entire life time had passed. "I missed you." It was soft and whispered, and he moved to bury his face in the other's chest, not wanting to pull away.

"I missed you too babe." Those words made his heart flutter, and he sighed with the happiness he felt at holding this little omega in his arms. "So what's up? You said we needed to talk."

"Can we go somewhere?"

"We are somewhere."

"Somewhere private." Some place where no one might over hear them.

"Um...I'd say let's go back to my place but I'm pretty sure my mom's bought off all the neighbors to spy on me."

"I hate this." There was literally no where they could go without one of them being recognized, or without having to use their names.

"I know, love. But hey, in a couple months we won't have to do this anymore." His birthday was soon, and for the first time, he was actually looking forward to it. "I talked to my mom and we're gonna go look at places this weekend. Want to come along?"

"You mean -"

"Just condo's for right now. I know we haven't talked about kids or anything, but my place is way too small for one. So I thought we could get a three bedroom for right now."

"Jungkook -"

"I already have some picked out. I know we can't move in until after but -"

"Jungkook!" His voice was louder then, effectively cutting the other off. He couldn't stand this. Couldn't take hearing him talk about all of these plans when he was about to ruin them all. "There has to be somewhere. Please, alpha."

Seokjin had only ever called him alpha in their more formal text, the ones that he knew his mother was monitoring. But now it sounded so different, felt so different. Like he was reaching out to him, like he was trusting him to know what to do.

"I think I know a place."


"I'm so sorry about this, Baek." Baekhyun was, possibly, the only person in his entire world that his mother couldn't control. Maybe it was the fact that he came from a relatively good family - for an omega, anyway, as she always said, before promptly turning up her nose at the whole idea - or maybe it was the fact that he didn't need her money or influence to help him in this world. He was intelligent enough to make it on his own. That he continued to work for Jungkook was a sign of loyalty to the brothers he had grown up with, not to their family name.

"Hey, what are assistants for?" The apartment was small but exceptionally well decorated and furnished, and stepping inside felt warm and cozy, like someone had spent hours making it feel like a home. "You must be Seokjin. I'm Byun Baekhyun, Jungkook's personal assistant."

"He means life saver." Jungkook aded.

"I do what I can."

"Thank you so much for letting us into your home on such short notice." Seokjin was, if nothing else, exceptionally well spoken when he needed to be. That they were both omega's meant they instantly felt a sort of connection to one another. That one of them had been born free while the other was trapped under the ties of family only aided that.

"It's no problem. Kook, you know where the extra bedroom is, right?"

"Down the hall and to the left."

"You got it."

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