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He spent hours outside, laying in the tall grass, staring up at the bright blue sky. Combing back over his memories like they were books found in a library, trying to find clarity where none existed. Tried to recall each time he had been fortunate enough to see that beautiful omega, tried to remember all of the ways he had bloomed.

Apparently somewhere between sixteen and twenty someone had finally realized the extent of the neglect he had suffered and began to properly water him, because he had grown and opened like a sun flower reaching for the sky. Transforming from a cute, shy, hidden away omega to breath takingly gorgeous, stunning, ethereal, confident Seokjin who could silence and captivate an entire room just by walking into it.

Dinner had been silent. Seokjin had sat across from him constantly shifting, legs rubbing together until he could practically hear the pants he wore straining from the friction. Frantically tried to snatch up the towel he had been sitting on because there was no way his underwear and the fabric of his pants was going to be enough to catch all of the slick he was leaking.

Three days. Sunday had been one, and Monday had been two. And he was dreading the third, wondering how much worse Tuesday was going to be.

All made worse, perhaps, by the fact that Seokjin had spent the entire day pushing him away. Had woken up and had shunned his affections. Had placed a kiss on his cheek before running away to shower off the shame he had woken up drenched in. Had spent the entire day as from away as humanly possible, trying to stay on the other end and floor of the tiny house.

And that was making him feel things too.

He desperately wanted to hold his husband. Wanted to comfort him. Wrap him in his arms and whisper soft words into his ear until the tension eased and he realized that he didn't have to hide.

But Seokjin had denied him even that, and it had felt like a piece of his soul was being ripped out.

That night they fell asleep with so much space left between them they might as well have been in different rooms. Until it felt like an entire ocean existed between them and Jungkook didn't know how to cross it. How to reach over the waves and draw his omega back in.

He didn't understand. He should have been going into rut. But all he felt was empty.

It started on Tuesday.

He had woken to a whimper. Low and soft and he wasn't even sure he had heard it at all until it came again. A desperate sound that caught his attention and had the last pull of sleep fading away in an instant. Pushing himself up, he peered out through the darkness, glanced across the sea that had been placed between them and almost panicked when he found it empty. Felt his heart skip a painful beat deep inside of his chest before racing back to life.

Heard the sound again and tried to figure out where it was coming from. Lifted himself from the bed and followed after the trail it formed. Stopped when another came and realized just how distressed it was. That it was only faint because it was coming from so far away. Took the stairs two at a time, practically breaking out into a run as he finally figured out the source. Skidded to a stop right in front of the tiny little laundry room just off the kitchen, and practically let out one of his own at the sight of his omega.

Seokjin was curled up on a pile of clothing that had, apparently been pulled out of the dryer. His nose was buried in one of his shirts, those pained whimpers falling from his lips almost constantly now. Like it was the sound he was capable of making. His entire body vibrated with the force of it, and Jungkook realized a moment later it was because he was shivering, bare skin pressed against the cold tile where ever the shirt he wore didn't reach.

His shirt. His omega was currently wrapped up in his shirt. The one he had worn when they had gotten married. Had it drawn tight around him, the fabric falling around his neck and shoulders and barely brushing his upper thigh.

Heard the distressed little sound again and glanced down to realize his omega had become aware of his presence. Watched as Seokjin reached for him desperately, arm lifting and fingers trembling.

"Alpha." That too was a whimper, a cry of his name that had his entire body reacting almost violently. Had him dropping to his knees in front of the pathetic little bundle, reaching out to place the back of his hand against the other's forehead and realized he was burning up.

"Alpha's right here baby." He shouldn't feel the things he did. Shouldn't feel pride welling up within him at the sound of his omega calling out for him. Shouldn't feel the dark swell of possession. Shouldn't like it the way he did. "Tell me what's wrong."

"I -" It was weak and choked, the omega breaking out into a sob before the words had even left his mouth. "I'm sorry alpha. I failed you."

"Oh sweetheart. Whatever it is we can fix it." He watched as Seokjin shifted, curled even further in on himself. Watched as he reached up and took his hand, fingers interlacing and gripping so tight it was a wonder the bones didn't break. "Talk to me, baby. Tell alpha what happened."

"I -" Another sob, and the sound was enough to make his heart shatter. "I need to make our nest. But I forgot I washed everything so now none of it smells like you."

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