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There was nothing to do. That was the first thing he learned.

Sure there were exactly three flat screen televisions all with every single channel that had ever been invented. He had even stumbled across some in a language he didn't understand, and he spent twenty minutes clicking through until he finally got back to something that sounded familiar.

There were tablets, one in each room, and high speed internet. But he had lost interest after the first hour. Until he was left sprawled out on the king sized bed in the room he ha chosen, pitifully calling out for his husband.

"Jinnie." It was more of a distressed whine than anything.

"What?" A mixture of annoyance and amusement, like the omega wasn't sure which to go with.

"I'm bored." It was barely afternoon and time felt like it was crawling by. Sure, he should probably be resting. Recovering from the long day before and preparing for the long days ahead. Seokjin's heat would most likely trigger his rut and he knew how long those should last.

"I can not believe I married an actual child who needs his omega to constantly entertain him." It seemed like Jin had chosen amusement, at least if the way he was currently standing in the door way, leaning against the frame with his arms crossed over his chest was any indication.

"But you're so fun to play with." There was something mischievous glinting in his eyes as he spoke, rolling over onto his back so his head rested on the edge of the bed.

"Mm, is that so?" There was no way someone should possibly look good from this angle. Upside down should not be this flattering. But somehow Seokjin looked amazing even like this. "And how would my alpha like to play with me?"

"It mostly involves getting you out of those clothes."

"Aren't you gonna get enough of me once my heat hits?"

"Oh baby, I'm never going to get enough of you." He really had to find some way to break Jungkook of this ridiculous charm he was so fond of using. Because each and every single time he wanted nothing more than to climb on top of him and ride him until they both forgot their own names. Removing their clothing was an entirely optional step that he really wasn't sure he would bother with.

"Please stop."

"I will when you let me back between those thighs."

"Or, counter offer -" Because his brain was exactly five seconds from shutting off completely and giving in and ge knew he would regret it. Because now he knew exactly what sex with Jungkook was like. And he also knew how quickly and easily he was going to become addicted. "- we could go check out Daegu. You said you've never been here before, right?"

"You sure that's a good idea? I mean, your family has an office here, right?" Rolling back onto his stomach, he arched his back slightly, cocking his head in confusion. It was one of those moves that made him look an adorably lost little bunny.

It also made Seokjin wonder how he was ever supposed to say no to him. Made him hope and pray that their babies didn't inherit those same traits.

"Are you forgetting that literally no one knows anything about me?" It had been purposeful. A tactic that both he and Taehyung made use of. Of course, Taehyung hadn't gotten off quite as easily. There were still pictures of him out there. People could still describe him in that vague, sure they had seen him somewhere before sort of way. But all anyone ever really saw was Namjoon.

"Yeah, but everyone knows me." There had never been anyone for him to hide behind. He was his families only alpha, thrust forward into the spotlight almost from the moment he was born. "Pretty sure it won't be that hard to figure out who you are."

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