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"Kind of in the middle of something here, Chim." Which, okay, granted, wasn't exactly the best way to answer the phone after someone had been frantically trying to get a hold of you.

"Kookie." It came out as a soft whimper, deep and pained, and instant guilt swarm over him. "I'm sorry. It's just important and Hobi isn't answering and -"

"Take a deep breath, Jimin. Talk to me."

"Okay." But it sure didn't sound like he took a deep breath. If anything if sounded like he was just hyperventilating even more. "I'm pregnant."

"That's -" Fast. It was fast, right? Attempting to count back in his mind, there had really only been a handful of weeks since the wedding. It had taken five for Seokjin's mother to contact him, and it had been another two since then. So definitely fast.

"It's not Yoongi's." It was almost as if Jimin could read his thoughts, the words coming out as soft wails.

"What the fuck do you mean it's not Yoongi's?" That response came out far louder and far harsher than he had intended, the words flowing out in his surprise. Even Seokjin, who had up until that point been perfectly content to simply cuddle down into him, jumped at the sudden outburst.

"I knew you wouldn't understand! No one is going to understand and I don't know what I'm going to do and -"

"Here, before you damage that poor boy even more." Seokjin could clearly hear the distraught omega over the phone, reaching out to take it from Jungkook's grasp before he made it any worse. "Shush, Chimmy, it's gonna be okay."

"Seokjin?" The other's voice was calm and familiar, and it was enough to stop the impending panic attack. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your time with Kookie."

"It's alright. Now, tell me what's going on? Maybe I can help."

"I don't think there's anyone who can help me."

"You'd be surprised."

"I'm pregnant."

"And?" Because he could clearly tell that this definitely didn't warrant a congratulations.

"It's not my husbands."

"... Oh dear god."

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do." He was back to wailing, an absolute torrent of tears that seemed never ending.

"I'm pretty sure I already know but..."

"It's Joonie."

"Well that explains why he wanted me to get your number."

"He asked you for my number?" Somehow, that seemed to do the trick, his voice clearing like the tears had suddenly stopped.

"Yep. He misses you a lot, Chimmy. I know he's gonna be so happy."

"But they're not gonna let us be together."

"Listen to me, okay? Everything is gonna be fine. I'm gonna give your number to Joonie, and he's gonna take care of everything."

"Can you give to him tonight? I really need him right now."

"I'll text it to him the second we hang up."

"Thanks Jinnie."


"Do I want to know how long they've been seeing each other behind everyone's backs?" Seokjin was still straddling his lap, carefully entering Jimin's number from Jungkook's phone into his own, before sending it in a text to Namjoon, along with a note that he should call him yet tonight.

"Probably not." There were so many things he knew that he wished he didn't.

"You told Jimin that Namjoon would take care of it. You don't mean -"

"If that's how Jimin wants to handle it, then sure. Otherwise divorces happen every single day. It shouldn't be too hard to come up with a reason."

"For a minute I almost forgot who I was dealing with."

"Oh, you have no idea. Jimin's gonna be fine, okay? Joonie will take care of him. I promise."

"I really, really hope you're right."


"So -" His fingers curled around the steering wheel as he brought the car to a stop, a couple of blocks away from the immense mansion that the Kim's currently owned.

"I'm still serious about getting that dick in my mouth." Twisting in his sheet, he turned to look at the alpha, lifting his hand to let long fingers glide through soft, dark strands.

"I'm still serious about you loving me." All of his life he had accepted that he was likely to going to be stuck in some loveless union, with the only true emotion that would grow between them being resentment. But with Seokjin, he felt like there might be a chance that they could actually come to love each other. Could actually fall in love with each other.

"Do you believe in love at first sight, Jungkook?" Did he? He really didn't know anymore. It was something he had never really allowed himself to think about, because even if he did, even if he ever had that moment, that spark, it wasn't like he would ever be allowed to actually act on it.

"Do you?" So he turned it around, made the mistake of glancing over. Made the mistake of looking into those eyes and seeing the truth that was so apparent in them.

"I do now." Leaning forward, those sweet lips pressed against his own, far too short and far too soft before they were moving away. It wasn't until the sound of the car door opening that the haze that had fallen over him broke, and he quickly rolled down the window, sticking his head out as he watched the omega walk away.

Maybe he believed in it now too. 


Author's Note: Purple haired Seokjin is superior don't @ me

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