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That's what this was about?

That was why his omega was currently having some kind of mental breakdown? Because he had done their chores?

But then he remembered the way Jimin would always ask for something he had worn right before his heat had hit. Recalled how he said it didn't matter which alpha it came from, just that the scent alone was calming. Of course Seokjin would probably want that too. Would want to be surrounded by his husbands scent. Had probably thought he had another day to collect things that would carry that deep, heavy presence of rainfall.

And now it was all gone.

"Jinnie, baby, can you do something for alpha?" He heard the way the omega whimpered, watched as he did nothing more than nod weakly. "Can you tell me what you need to make your little nest?"

"Blankets." Jimin had always spent days going around the house collecting every single spare blanket he could find. And they would always have to be dug out of his closet after.

"Pillows too?"

"Yes." Another cry, and he squeezed their joint hands softly, trying his best to be reassuring.

"Okay baby. I need you to trust alpha now, okay? I'm going to go collect some things for you. Will you be a good boy and stay here?"

"Yes, alpha." It sounded a bit calmer, and he watched as Seokjin actually lifted his head, just a little. Just enough for the light to catch his watery eyes.

"You're so beautiful, Jinnie. Alpha loves you so much." Leaning forward, he pressed his lips against his husbands temple, sighing softly as he seemed to arch into the touch.

"Love you too, alpha." He had to pull and tug to get his hand back, and the whimper the other released made him regret it almost instantly. But he had a task, had something that his omega had entrusted him with. His first test as a husband, and he was not going to fail it.

Darting back up stairs, he flicked the light on in the room they had been sharing, glancing around quickly until he spotted the clothes he had worn the day before. Gathered them up in his arms and then dropped them again. Ran over to the dresser and took out a fresh pair of boxers. Slid the ones and the pajama pants he had been wearing to his feet before stepping into the new. Gathering the bundle back up and ran towards the door before doubling back to snatch up his pillow.

Walked back in to the same scene he had left, and he held his breath as he moved in, carefully dropping the shirt near the omega's face. Watched as he instantly gravitated towards it, another whimper leaving his body as he buried his face down into the fabric, inhaling the scent which had become embedded in the fibers.

"It isn't much. But I brought you what I could." Setting the little bundle down, he waited a moment until he saw the omega start to shift, finally pushing himself up from his previous position. Saw him wipe away the tears that still stained his cheeks, shifting up onto his knees as he grabbed each piece of clothing individually, lifting each one to his nose as if trying to figure out which one smelled strongest.

Satisified, he ran back upstairs, attempting to calculate just how much bedding he could scoop up and carry at one time.

As it turned out the answer was all of it, and he dropped it all into an unceremonious pile in the middle of the laundry room floor. Noticed with surprise that Seokjin had actually gone and retrieved both of the couch cushions and was currently arranging them. Left him to it as he went back upstairs, seeking out each and every single extra blanket and pillow and towel he could find, until all of it was formed into a mountain of materials just waiting to be used.

With each visit the nest was a little different. Pillows had been arranged and rearranged, until they covered practically the entire floor. Blankets were layered over them, and he noticed with some fascination and amusement that Seokjin had somehow managed to form a sort of canopy with them. His clothing disappeared into the fold, some pieces used as lining while other's were kept separate, and he realized it was because Seokjin wanted to cling onto it. Hold his shirt like it was a teddy bear from childhood.

Realized once the house had been stripped bare that he didn't know what he was supposed to do. Knew enough that this was something his omega had to do on his own. That it could take hours until it was perfect.

Their first nest. The place where they meant to make their first child. It was all so much. 

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