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Dawn came.

And he felt it like a shift in the very structure of the earth. Like thick ocean waves constantly crashing over him. Like energy thrumming deep within, radiating outwards from the core of his own body. Lightning strikes and volcanoes erupting and he didn't think he was capable of controlling it.

Because the only thought that was left in his mind was his omega.

Burying himself within those velvety walls, feeling the way his pretty little omega leaked actual rivers of slick just for him. Feeling him clench and tighten around his cock, milking the seed from him, until it filled his empty womb and created the living proof of their love.

Reached for him in the dim light pouring in through the small window, and jolted into awareness when his hand kept going. When he found nothing. When his omega was gone instead of being there at his side, so warm and open and accepting.

It was his turn to whimper, to cry out, and he felt something vibrate deep inside of his chest, an occurrence that had never happened before. Knew that he was purring, of all things, a method of self soothing that he hadn't needed since he had been a pup himself. For a moment all he felt was panic. That something terrible must have happened.

But there was no way that Seokjin would ever have allowed that. Even caught in the throes of heat, there was no way he would let anything happen to either of them. The omega had all of his trust and every ounce of his faith and he tried to think rationally. Wondered why his omega would leave him when they were both so close.

Something shifted near his feet, cushions dipping and he glanced up to watch as Seokjin lowered himself onto his knees and began to crawl back into the confined space. Whimpered again at the sight of his omega still wrapped in his shirt, the buttons straightened now, the fabric covering far too much skin.

"Good morning, alpha." Seokjin sounded - fine. He sounded fine. Not like he was currently fighting every single instinct within himself.

"Where were you?" It sounded eager and desperate and he wished he could have changed it. Kept the panic out of his tone.

"Kookie." It was so soft. Soft and gentle and warm, and he watched as his omega finished crawling into their nest, stopping for a moment to adjust one of the blankets that hung above them. Before lifting one of his legs and slinging it over both of his own and settling into his lap.

And he moaned far too loudly as that wetness brushed against his hard cock and he couldn't stop his hips from canting upwards. There wasn't as much slick as there should have been, and he realized that Seokjin must have cleaned himself. "I had to go to the bathroom. Normal functions don't stop just because you're in heat or rut."

"Tell me next time." He could barely even keep his breathing under control, let alone keep himself from aligning his cock with that beautiful heat and just slipping inside. Nothing was stopping him.

"You were asleep." How his omega could carry on a completely normal conversation when he was shifting, lifting himself up and reaching down between them, taking the thick base of his cock in his hand, aligning the heat with his pretty pink entrance and lowering himself back down.

"Doesn't matter." He almost came. It was embarrassing how he almost came. But he could feel his knot swelling already, and he wondered if it was just some side effect of his rut.

"Are you gonna knot me already alpha?" Seokjin's hips rocked, back and forth, before bouncing up and down, knot catching on his walls and making the action grow steadily more and more difficult.

"Yes." Hands squeezed wide hips, helping the omega's movements. Lifting up and slamming back down, until Seokjin was crying out with every single movement. Felt the rivers of slick start to return, coating his length until it was running down his thighs. "I love how wet you get for me."

"It's embarrassing." He had been trying to hide it. Knew there would probably come a point where he would just no longer care. But waking up with slick literally running down his thighs and pooling where ever he sat had been an entirely new level of embarrassment he hadn't even been aware existed before. It had always been bad, literal rivers leaking from him during those long days. But actually having an alpha - his alpha only made it worse.

"Are you kidding? Do you know how amazing it is to know I turn you on that much?" Each and every single word was accompanied by a strong thrust of powerful hips. By hands squeezing and lifting, until swollen head of his cock was almost popping out of that tight, wet heat, before letting the omega drop back down.

"Don't be smug." His voice shook. Trembled right along with his legs. And he bounced more rapidly, lifted himself up and dropped back down with such force that it felt like he was coming apart with each movement. Wrapped his arms around wide shoulders and tried to just hold on. To keep himself centered. Felt the knot slowly stretching him and knew he was going to have to make the decision to take it or not. "It's only because of my heat."

"Mm, I don't think so baby." It was getting harder and harder to slide his entire length inside his omega, knot swelling rapidly as his release steadily approached. And he wondered if Seokjin was actually going to let him knot him so soon. "You got this wet for me on our wedding night too."

"That was different." But it wasn't. They both knew it wasn't. Jungkook had gotten him exactly this wet each and every time they had been together. The second night, when they had sat across from each other in the restaurant and he had turned on that charm so thick he was actually surprised there hadn't been a stain left behind from how much slick he had leaked.

"Was it?" His hands tightened on those hips, used his own strength to stop the other's next movement, kept him locked into place with his swelling knot locked inside of him. "Admit it. Admit it's me that gets you this wet."

"Alpha." His hips wiggled desperately, swollen clit pressed against the slick skin of his husbands lower stomach, and it was almost enough. If only just. All he would have to do is gring forward, just a bit, and he knew he would be falling apart. But he was locked in place, unable to move even a tiny bit, and the knot that was swelling inside of him only frustrated him further. It felt so good. It felt so painful. Having his walls stretched so far beyond their capcity. And he knew he was going to take it. It didn't matter if Jungkook let him go right now, right at this very second. He was going to take this knot. He was going to let that seed spill inside of him and pray each and every single time that it caught.

"Tell alpha who gets you this wet." He could almost scream as a thumb pressed against his clit, the pad circling it slowly. Hips rocked forward, only to be stopped by nails digging into his skin.

"You do." Another cry left his lips as that thumb finally shifted, finally moved in just the right way. Felt his walls tighten and clench. Felt an actual waterfall of slick trying to leak from him, stopped by the thick knot that was currently buried deep inside him. "Only you, alpha."

"I'm gonna come baby. Sure you're ready?" He could, in theory, still pull out. But he felt those walls tighten around him, felt his omega lean forward, felt those hips rock back and forth, lifting as high as they could before slamming back down.

"I'm so ready, alpha. Show me how well you're going to breed me." That was probably what Jungkook's alpha was telling him. To breed him so full of pretty pups. To claim him in every single way. To make him his entirely. That's what his omega wanted. More than anything. To be filled. To be bred. To come away carrying their precious little baby.

"Alpha's going to make you so full. Gonna breed you so well." His entire being was trembling, and suddenly he understood what Seokjin meant about being embarrassed. Because he could feel it. The first long spurts of come shooting from the swollen tip of his cock. Felt each and every single movement his omega made. How he rocked right through the sensation of white, hot heat filling him. How he just canted his head and allowed him to bury his face within the crook of his neck.

It felt like it went on forever. Him emptying into his omega. Counted in down in the span of heartbeats. Felt the steady steam slowly weakening until it died and nothing but the thick knot keeping them connected remained. Sighed out as his omega shifted, struggling to get his legs out from under him, wrapping them around his alpha's waist and locking them together. 

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