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It felt like an entire lifetime had passed since that morning. Looking back, he could still so clearly remember the warmth of the sun. The way it felt as he came around that corner and saw his entire future standing there before him. Had the sight so perfectly etched into his mind that nothing would ever erase it.

Felt like their wedding had happened to someone else, and he desperately hoped they'd get to have another. This time surrounded by those who loved them. Who wanted this for them.

Wanted his brother's to be there at his side. Wanted Namjoon and Taehyung to know that this was the choice he was making for himself. Wanted Jungkook to have Jimin and Hoseok by his. Wanted him to not have to hide them away anymore like they were some great shame.

But Jungkook was his husband. The proof was wrapped around his finger and engraved into his heart and nothing would ever change that.


"Sure you got this babe?" Jungkook had already done so much. Had driven them the entire way there. Had to be so incredibly exhausted at this point that Seokjin didn't even know how his eyes were still opened.

"Positive." His fingers gripped the wheel a little bit tighter, before he shifted the car into reverse and backed them out of the parking spot. "Try and get some rest, okay? I'll wake you when we get there."

"Mm, you better." It was so thin and weak, his alpha's head already falling back against the head rest, seat just slightly reclined. The sight brought a smile to his face, and he pressed his fingers to his own lips before reaching across, tapping them against Jungkook's cheek before settling in, making sure the GPS was ready to go and easing them out onto the last leg of their journey.


It was late. So incredibly late and the roads were nearly empty. Still he cringed every single time the bright sharpness of a street lamp or head light would come flooding inside, constantly glancing over to make sure it hadn't woke the sleeping alpha.

Was he meant to feel this? So insanely protective and possessive? Like the only thing in the entire world that meant anything was right there next to him. The most precious gift that he had ever been given. Nothing had changed.

Everything had changed. Had transformed the moment he had said those two words. The moment he had agreed and that ring had been placed on his finger. The moment he had signed his name and transferred his entire being over to this one man. This alpha who he loved without even knowing why. Who he couldn't even remember falling in love with. Only that he had. And it was so deep and so powerful that it felt like it was going to consume him entirely. Like it was going to eat him alive from the inside out and he would be lucky if anything of himself remained.

And he didn't even care. No, he wanted it. Longed for it.

Jungkook was more than just his husband. Than his alpha.

He was his everything.


It was a tiny little place on the outskirts of the city. From the outside it appeared run down, definitely not somewhere someone like him was supposed to be. But Namjoon and Taehyung had taught him early that not everything was as it seemed. As it first appeared. There were diamonds all over the place, just waiting to be polished.

That sometimes the inside didn't always match the outside. That ones expectations were not always reality.

Pulling into the narrow drive way, he turned off the headlights and killed the engine, leaning back for a moment to stare out at their surroundings. The neighborhood was quiet, purely residential, filled with working class families who were just trying to survive. So very different from the bright lights and wealth of Seoul. From the constant buzz of noise that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at all. Here everything was silent and still. Like something out of a movie scene.

"Kookie." His touched was gentle as he reached towards the alpha, placing his hand on his shoulder and shaking. "Hey, time to wake up babe. We're here."

"Just five more minutes." Of course the alpha would be difficult to wake up. Honestly, he really should have expected it.

"You can have five more minutes once we're inside." He was a little more forceful then, shaking just a little bit harder.

"Don't wanna move." A sigh fell from his lips then, eyes rolling just a little.

"Well, your husband is going inside. So you can either stay here and miss out on what he has planned for you. Or come inside and finally get in between those thighs you want so badly." It may have been playing dirty, but at the moment he really didn't care about things like fairness.

"I'm up." It was almost comical the way his husband bolted upright at those words, hands clapping in front of him before rubbing together slowly. "Let's get it."

"Oh you're gonna get it alright."

"Babe." It came out as a soft whine, and he made the mistake of glancing over just in time to have every single defense he'd ever had completely broken down at the sight of those wide doe eyes. "It's definitely been more than five dates."

"Are you saying I'm not worth waiting for?"

"I'm saying I've never wanted anything as much as I want you."

"Seriously considering just letting you take me in the back seat."

"Just say the word, babe."

"Getting arrested would almost be worth it." But they were literally right there. Not even twenty feet away from the blessed privacy they had been denied for so long. Reaching down, he hit the button to pop the trunk, before gripping the door handle. "Come on. Let's get inside before I ruin your seats with how wet I'm getting."

"That would definitely be worth it."


Authors Note: Super short filler chapter but  absolute filth is coming next so I hope you have your holy water ready. 

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