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There was a beam of sunlight playing across his face, an annoying little thing that had snuck in through the tightly closed curtains. It didn't matter how he twisted or what he put over his eyes, it still seemed to break through. Like it was hell bent on forcing him awake.

A groan rose up within his throat as he flopped onto his back, arm pressed against his eyes, trying to catch even the last little remnants of sleep that remained. He was so tired. So desperately tired that it felt like he could sleep for an entire week and it still wouldn't be enough. The day before had been so long. An endless slog that had seemed to only grow longer as the day progressed. As the sun had set and the fireworks had begun.

Slowly, his thumb moved towards his ring finger, tracing along the edges of white gold that encircled it, smiling at the memory of what it meant.

They were married. He and Seokjin were married. His beautiful omega was his husband and -

Suddenly it all came rushing back, and he pushed himself up right so quickly that the blood rushed from his head and made him feel dizzy. Glancing around he took in the sight that surrounded him. The house wasn't much, honestly. Sure, the things that filled it were clearly expensive, luxurious where it didn't seem to fit. There was a large flat screen by the over sized windows. Two chairs - and he was positively delighted to see that what he had thought was one the night before was actually a plant and his jacket was hanging from one of the branches.

There was a low table in front of the couch, and a slip of paper caught his attention. Picking it up, he smiled at the sight of Seokjin's neat, sprawling handwriting.

'There's literally no food in this house because my brother is a god of actual destruction and isn't allowed within twenty feet of a kitchen. Went to get breakfast and groceries. Be back soon.

Love you.'

Such a simple thing shouldn't have left him smiling like an absolute idiot. But it did. Had him holding the paper to his chest and sighing, suddenly so incredibly thankful for the gift he had been given. For the love that his husband had for him. For the love that they had created together and for the love they were going to give for the rest of their lives.


"Good morning baby." He had taken the time to explore the tiny house, carrying their things upstairs and finding that it shockingly contained two equally sized rooms. One was clearly meant for Namjoon, and frankly he really did not want to think about what had happened between Seokjin's brother and his in that bed. So he had taken the other one, glancing around the pale colors and the way the white pain made it seem so much larger than it was. Admired the dark woods and wondered if all of this had been Seokjin's doing.

God he couldn't wait for their place to be done. To see all of his omega's dreams and plans brought to life. To actually get to wake up each and every single day in a home his husband and worked so hard on. Had poured so much love into.

The bathroom was equally small, but he didn't care. The water had been hot and it had felt amazing against the aching stiffness that had settled into his very bones. Had relaxed his muscles and eased the tension and left him feeling fresh and clean and ready to face whatever might come for them next. Had dressed in a pair of black cargo pants, pairing it with a black over sized tee and a hoodie so large it was almost ridiculous. But he really hoped that Seokjin wouldn't mind how he dressed normally. That he wasn't always wearing suits and designer clothing.

But the moment he walked into the kitchen he realized that Seokjin didn't either. Because he was currently wearing what looked like black leggings - they had to be, because they hugged his curves and made the swell of his ass look so good he wanted to take a bite out of it - and a dark blue and black flannel. There was a dark colored tee shirt layered beneath it, and he smiled at how different his omega looked. How comfortable and at ease. And he prayed that's how he would look in their own home.

"Good morning alpha." There was something cooking in a pan on the stove, and Seokjin had been standing near by, utensil in hand when Jungkook had come in, and instantly he had been engulfed by alpha. Arms wrapped firmly around his waist and lips being pressed into his neck and all he could do was smile and tilt his head, giving the other better access.

"I could get used to this."

"Having someone cook you breakfast?"

"Mm, waking up to my husband cooking me breakfast." It still felt so new. So unreal. Like they had to say it every chance they got. Like they had to keep reminding themselves that they had done it. That it was real.

"Your husband will cook you whatever you want."

"What if I'd rather have my husband instead?"

"Well your husband is still incredibly sore from last night."

"We only went once baby."

"Oh so we're pretending like you didn't wake me up in the middle of the night with your dick?" It had been such an odd thing to experience. Waking up to feel something sliding inside of him. So long and hard and beautiful and he had instantly cried out. Had felt the alpha trailing kisses along the length of his throat. Had felt fingers digging his hips as he shifted, lifting his leg and letting them fall apart. Had felt those fingers circling his clit, stroking perfectly in time with the thrust that filled him so perfectly.

But everything in the entire world be damned if he didn't want that to happen every single night for the rest of his life.

"Twice." Jungkook didn't even bother to sound sheepish. No. If anything he sounded smug. So incredibly smug that it almost made him want to smack him with the spatula he was currently holding. "You're gonna let me hit it again tonight, right?"

"What a charming way to put it." But the answer was yes. And they both knew the answer was yes.

"Oh, I think we both know how charming I can be." There was something pressing against his ass and he wanted, desperately, to give in and grind back against it. To be lifted onto the counter and have ingredients go flying and to be taken right there while their food burned.

But he was so tender and sore and he honestly didn't think he could stand it. Plus his stomach was growling so loud it sounded as if it were trying to eat it's self.

"Save it for tonight."

"Your wish is my command babe."

"Then my wish is for you to set the table."

"Such a bossy omega."

"You love it."

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