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There was the distinct knowledge that he was going to regret this growing with each and every step he took, until there was nowhere left to go and the only choice that remained was ringing the door bell. There were two bunches of flowers within his hands - a small bouquet of white roses, beautiful and in full bloom, intended to help make some sort of impression on Seokjin's mother. While the other was much larger, filled with different colored tiger lilies and soft white and bright green ornamental foliage.

Pressing the button, he heard the resulting sound playing through the hollow entry way, before standing back and simply waiting. Only for it to go unanswered, the whole cycle rinsing and repeating. He was seriously contemplating the merits of trying for a third time when the heavy wooden door finally swung open, only it wasn't Seokjin's mother standing before him as he had expected, but Taehyung instead.

"Aw, you shouldn't have." Reaching out, he attempted to take both bundles of flowers, only to have Jungkook hold them both above his head.

"I'm here to pick up Seokjin."

"Oh I know. But our mother, in all of her great wisdom, decided to take him to get his hair dyed 'a more appropriate color' this morning. Only their definitions of appropriate are really, really different. Because now it's purple and she's refusing to let him see the light of day."

"That's -"

"Crazy. We all know. If I were you I would text him."

"Could you at least give him these for me?" Holding out the large bouquet, he gently ran his fingers along a few of the petals, rearranging them until they were perfect. "Make sure he reads the card?"

"Anything for my future brother in law."



Did you seriously dye your hair purple


Sure as fuck did

Want to see?


I would love to


Be at the bar where we first met at eleven

Pretty sure I'll be able to sneak out by then

And I have to thank you for these flowers


Did you read the card?


There was a card?


So much for being romantic.


He could hear it. The low mummer that always occurred whenever Seokjin entered a room. Like all eyes instantly turned towards him, captivated by the ethereal beauty he seemed to effortlessly exude. It was somehow made entirely better by the fact that his hair was currently a shimmering purple, filled with highlights and low-lights, a magnitude of different shades that all came together perfectly. Tucked behind his ear was a dark violet tiger lily, the bright white playing off the strands and making them shine under the dim light.

"You are so beautiful." That he should be dressed in something as simple as skinny jeans and flowy black shirt, tucked into the waist band at the front and left to hang in the back and still look so amazing was meant to be impossible, a feat that surely no one could pull off. But somehow Seokjin made it look like he was wearing thousand dollar designer pieces - and if he was being honest with himself, the omega probably was.

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