1. Moving

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Rosalie's prov

"Rosalie are you almost finished packing that last box?" My auntie Stella yelled from down stairs. "Yeah I'm done" I yelled back, folding the boxes flaps, picking it up to putting it into the moving van.

"That was my last box" I told Stella. "Good we're almost oughta here" she said smiling at me. "Can you help your brother carrie his last box down?" She asked with pleading eyes. I just shook my head and headed upstairs.

"Hey bud" I walked by my little brother ruffling his hair. He glared at me playfully. "I wonder what it's gonna be like in California" he looked at me curiously, I smiled at him, feeling my playfulness rise up. "Well I guess we won't find out unless we start moving our asses" I laughed.

He glared at me and then ran down stairs to open the front door for me.

Once the moving van was packed they left. Stella told us to get in the car. We drove to the airport, getting straight onto the plane.

Not all of us got seats next to each other. Me and Chase got seats next to each other but Stella was a couple spaces over. I looked at Chase who was watching a movie on his tablet I smiled at the sight of him smiling.

I then plugged my headphones in and shuffled my 'calm playlist' the song that came on was titanium. I hummed to it and sooner or later fell alseep.

The next thing I know I'm being woken up by my brother... who has an excited face. "Sis we're here!" He kept shaking me. "Ok ok I'm up jeez" I told him getting up and then we both squeezed through the isles.

When we got out the the plane we found my auntie by three suit cases. Me and Chase ran up to her and grabbed our suit cases. We then headed out of the airport and got in a car that was waiting outside for us.

We soon got to our new place it was just the perfect house. I was glad we weren't gonna live in our new packs house, we get our own privacy.

"You two go get some rest." Stella gave us each a kiss on our head while checking her watch. "I already registered you two for school and the first day is in two days so we needa get back on sleeping schedule." She told us. So me and Chase started going to our rooms sense people already put our main stuff in the house.

"Rosalie" I turned around and looked at Stella. "Uhm so we are having dinner with the Parkers tomorrow, so I need you to be up so we can unpack everything so it looks presentable." She said looking tired.

"Ok I'll be up at 5am so I can take an hour to go for a run." I smiled at her one last time then headed to my room. "Great dinner with the alpha and Luna that should be fun" I told myself rolling my eyes.

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