4. First day.... THE SCENT

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Rosalie's prov

"Beep! Beep! Be-"

"Shut the hell up" I yelled throwing my alarm clock a crossed the room. "Rosalie get your ass up you have school!" My auntie yelled from down stairs.

"Shit" I said to myself remembering about school. I rubbed my eyes as I got up... then realized I didn't take a shower last night.

I rushed to my bathroom and took a 10min shower and brushed my teeth. I got to my closet and searched for a first day at school outfit. Sense I new all the other girls would be way overdressed I decided to just wear, a black croptop with a flannel.... and a jeaned skirt.

I then rushed down stairs and grabbed my backpack. "Hey am I taking Chase?" I questioned, my auntie.

"No I was gonna have you drive him but I got it." She threw an apple to me. "Uhm can I please have my keys back" Which wasn't really said as a question. "Your not driving it to school on the first day, you can drive your Jeep." I didn't even fight I just went and gave Chase a kiss and told him good luck on the first day, and gave a hug to auntie.

As I drove to school I got a text... I completely forgot about it as I parked. Everybody was looking at me... I just got out of my car like I didn't notice the stares.

I finally got to the office "Hello, I'm Rosalie... uhm I wasn't here for the whole tour the principle told my auntie to tell me to come here for my schedule?" I was basically asking the office lady if I was in the right place.

"Oh yes of course Rosalie.... we don't get much new people. By that I mean all of these people have basically grown up together. The new people we do get.... will be surrounded for a while so..... something to look up to." She said laughing.

"Ah that explains a lot." I added laughing. I then looked down at the schedule she gave me. "First period.... Math" I looked up at her and gave her a smile one last time "thank you."

As I walked out I bumped into someone... "oh my god I'm so sorry." I said fast. "It's fine.... o-m-g your the new girl, hi... I'm Melissa" I looked up to see a beautiful girl she was wearing... a tan crop top with a tan cover...some shorts, sun glasses on top of her head a tan book bag... two chokers and some tan shoes to match her outfit.

"Yeah I'm the new girl... Rosalie." I said laughing at how excited she was. The first bell rang and I looked at her again... "help me find my class?" I asked in a pleading matter. "Sure who do you have?" I looked down at my schedule and told her.... "Mrs. Maury".

"Oh I have her too! Yay I can tell we're already gonna be besties!" She said with a big smile.

When we got to l class... we sat by each other.... she looked at my schedule to see if we had any other classes together.... we have 4 classes together. I was happy about this she didn't seem annoying she seemed hyper... yet chill.

3rd period was finally over... I was on my way to forth when I smelt a scent... the same one from the mall. My wolf was rushing to get to it. But I wasn't.... fighting my wolf wore my energy out.

I started to get dizzy... "Rosalie are you okay?" Melissa was holding me up now. "Y-yea I-I..." I was starting to answer.... but everything was starting to go black.

The last thing I felt was another presence... that caught me, "What the fuck happened to her..." a boy said with a growl.

I woke up in a small hospital room. "What the fuck?" I said as I sat up... my head pounding. Just as I sat up a nurse walked in and looked at me with wide eyes. "Doctor!" She called.

A doctor then walked in, "hello I'm Dr. Cel..." the Women said. "Where am I?" I questioned knowing this wasn't a regular hospital. "Well honey your at the pack house." She smiled.

"Well where is my auntie.. and what's wrong with me?" I rubbed my face, to wake up more.

"Well honey.... Adian already called your aunt and told her, you will be fine, and you'll be home... tomorrow, also I need you to tell me what you remember." She said getting a pen out for her clip bored.

I decided I would ask questions after her questions. "Ok" is all I could say. "Ok go ahead." She said putting her pen on her clip bored ready to write.

"So... I was on my way to 4th and then I smelt a scent, m-my wolf started going crazy... and tried to follow it, but I fought against it." I took a breath.

"Then I started to go crazy, like if I didn't get to the scent... I was gonna die... but I started to get dizzy and- Melissa was there... then I fell someone caught me..... "

"T-The scent- The scent caught me!" I said like I just accomplished something

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