16. Mom?!

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Rosalie's prov

I was in a truck when I woke up. There was a huge scary man next to me! "Where are you taking me!" I tried not to sound scared of them... so I sat up tall.

The guy looked at me amused "good morning to you to" he was smirking at me now. "I said where are you taking me!" I was stern this time. "Well see for yourself we are here after all." He hopped out of the car.

My door opened and a different man took me out I looked up to see that there was huge building or house in front of me.

When we got inside I was sat in a chair in what looked like a living room area...
"It's nice to see you again... Rosalie" a familiar voice said.

'No no no no no' I thought to myself.

Daren.... not him

"If you are going to kill me hurry up." I looked the other way hoping it would be quick.

"No, I'm not going to kill you yet.... that's rude to think I would do that so soon, I am going to put you in a cell.... so you will rot just like your father" He smirked at me.
I refused to cry in front of him.

"I can't wait till I get my hands on you... I will kill you myself!" I spat.
The next thing I know a hand flew across my face... I licked my bottom lip tasting blood.

"Take her down..." Daren had so much venom in his voice. The bulky man that was in the car came up to me and put me over his shoulder knowing I wouldn't move...

"You bastard!" I screamed at Daren.

We went down some stairs, it started to smell really bad! And then I was threw on the floor the cage shut very loudly.
I heard someone scoot it was to dark to see, so I scooted away as well.

"W-what did you do to be I-in here?" A familiar voice said..... to familiar.
"M-MOM!" I was....surprised.
"R-Rose!" the girl came into the little light we had in this cell... "is th-that really you!" She gasped as she saw my face... I looked at her she was still so beautiful, she just looked sad, stressed, and very tired, skinnier too!

"M-mom" I sobbed into the crook of her neck as I hugged her as tight as I could. Making sure she was there

"Sorry to break up this reunion but we need to put this shot in you." The bulky man was smirking at us holding the shot up... a light was now on.
"W-what no.... what is it" confusion... is all I felt... my mom was standing in front of me now.
"It makes your wolf weak so you can't turn" she announced out loud she then whispered, "or mind link."

'Mind link!' I thought

"Rosalie! Rosalie baby where are you, can you here me?!" I heard Aidan.... perfect timing

The guy came in pushed my mom over and stabbed the shot into me.
"I-Aidan!! I cried. Aidan please just-just make sure Chase and Stella are hidden p-please..." the shot was kicking in and I was getting weak.

"Rose, baby! Where are you!" Aidan yelled.
"I-in a cage" I felt helpless...He growled at my response. "I-I don't know, all I know is it's an abandoned building. H-" our mind link got cut off.

I laughed! I don't know why but I just laughed and laughed both my mom and the guy looked confused... I was too but I didn't stop.

I laughed maybe it was because I knew he would find me and kill them or maybe something was wrong with me but the guy held up a walkie-talkie up to my laughing.

In an instant there Daren was looking just as confused as the rest... "what's wrong with her?!" He shouted at bulky guy. "I-i don't know" he simply shrugged.
This seemed to make Daren mad my face was smacked hard it stung... but it made me laugh more.

"Stop!" He shouted I heard my mom giggle and the next thing I know his hand shot out to hit her I quickly grabbed his hand as she flinched expecting to get hit.

"NEVER LAY YOUR HAND ON HER AGAIN! I shouted at his face which just caused him to throw me into the brick wall. I winced at the pain. They both walked out and slammed the door shut.

Once I knew they were gone my mom rushed over to me. "Honey never do that again!" She looked so sad for me.

"I hope your ready to get out of this hell hole." I smiled at her... she looked surprised at first but then smiled back.


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