13. First

14 1 0

Rosalie's prov

"I want Karen Mil watching my house tonight." I looked at Aidan and he nodded understanding.

"Hey your home!" I was attacked by Melissa and we fell to the floor. "Ow" I started laughing my ass off. "Well that's not the first" I said laughing harder.

"Sorry" she muttered finally getting off of me still laughing. "So I was wondering, do you wanna go to the mall tomorrow?" She was already excited. "I guess we could go window shopping?" She looked sad at my words.

"Nonsense you guys could use your mates credit cards!" Mrs.Parker said walking by. "Great idea!" Melissa looked over to the living room looking at the boys, who weren't even paying attention. "Ahemmm!" Melissa yelled out loud they both looked over to us.

"Can we use your cards tomorrow to shop!" Melissa has a innocent smile on her face. "Yeah sure babe." James said.

"Of course my Luna." Aidan said smirking at me.
"I-I don't know.... I don't want to use there money-. " I was going to go on but Aidan interrupted.

He was now in front of me, "babe seriously it's fine." He pulled me into a hug and I could smell his scent I could never get enough of it,

"You tired?" I shook my head yes. He swiftly picked me up bridal style and I started laughing. "Goodnight" I yelled as he carried me up stairs. I heard his mom, Melissa and James say it back.

I changed into one of Aidan's T-shirts that he gave me and some of Melissa's shorts that she brought over.

I laid on the bed Aidan came over and gave me a kiss on my forehead then my cheek, I started to giggle I finally had the courage.

So I took his face and gently kissed his lips feeling tingles all over and butterflies in my stomach. He kissed back I felt his tongue lick my bottom lip asking for entrance.
I quickly opened my mouth and it started to get steamy we both broke apart gasping for air.

I looked over blushing he obviously noticed cause he moved my face back over to him. He kissed my cheek one last time then got up going to the couch

I felt bad for taking this bed and without thinking I spat words out "stay, I mean uhh it's your bed you should be able to sleep in it." I patted the other side of the bed motioning for him to come lay down.

He looked at me to see any other emotion but he obviously didn't find any cause he laid down next to me.... he distanced himself trying to give me space.

I scooted next to him and laid my head on his chest closing my eyes. "I feel safe with you, I like that feeling." I said smiling to to myself .

"You should feel safe" he kissed my head while inhaling my scent. I looked up at him with a big smile, pecked his lips, laying back down and falling into a deep sleep.

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