14. Snatch

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Rosalie's prov

I woke up in Aidan's arms.... I smiled knowing he was still sleeping. He had a pretty good grip around my waist, I tried to get out of it only for it to get tighter.
"Where do you think your going?" He has the sexiest morning voice ever! I looked up at him smiling.... "To get ready" I chuckled.

"Just a couple more minutes" he pulled me closer to him, kissing my head. I snuggled my head into his chest rapping my arms Around his neck.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"
I already knew who it was.... and I was right Melissa came running in and jumped on the bed attacking me.
"Come on sleepyhead get up!!" She shook me. I started laughing and Aidan started growling "ughh Melissa get out." Aidan said pulling me back.

"Aidan....! We are going shopping" she said trying to pull me away. All I heard was a "Bang!", "Oww" and then laughing. I looked over to see she fell off the bed!

I started laughing with her, I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt. "Ok that's it" Aidan stood up on the bed grabbed his pillow and had a smirk on his face. "This is for ruining my morning with Rose" he threw the pillow at Melissa who was laughing even harder now.

"Ok ok let me get ready." I got up but my hand was grabbed I looked back at a Aidan who had pleading eyes. I leaned down and pecked his lips.

Then started walking into his closet I grabbed his big black shirt down and put it on, it went down to my knees. I put some tights on that Melissa gave me and then some shoes.

"Ready!" Melissa looked at me. "Yeah" I went over to Aidan and gave him a sweet kiss he kissed me back pulling my waist into him. I quickly pulled back making sure it didn't get to steamy in front of Melissa.

"Ok imma go get Jame's card meet you outside." She ran out the door before I could even reply. "Here" I looked over at Aidan who was handing me a card. "I-I don't want to use your money I'll just window shop" I smiled at him.
He just looked disappointed.

"Babe I seriously want you to have a good time and shop with my card today plus you need clothes for over here..." he kissed my cheek put the card in my hand and pulled me into a hug.

I just smiled at him and pecked his lips leaving the room to go to the car.


"This is for real going to be so fun let's go to the food court, imma get Wendy's what do you want?" Melissa asked me.

"Nuthin I'll just wait for you" as soon as I said that she disappeared into the crowd.

After sitting there for about a minute I got up and walked to the bathroom just as I turned the corner a hand went over my mouth. I panicked and tried to scream but I couldn't there was a cloth that this person held to my face. "We got ya" is all I heard before blacking out.

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