8. Pack dinnier

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Rosalie's prov

After spending the 1st period in the bathroom we finally went to 2nd. Melissa was so excited that me and Aidan are mates!

She said she could tell by the way he looks at me, I don't see what she's talking about.... he's a complete ass to me.

I finally got to lunch, Melissa and James were talking at his table with his friend.... 'That's Aidan's table!!' I whined to my self. Melissa shot her head towards me like she smelt my scent come in.

"Hey, come on" next thing I know she's in front of me pulling me to their table.
I looked at all the seat and the only one available was next to Melissa and Aidan.

Everyone's eyes went over to me. "Hey" that came out awkward. "Hey I'm Dixon nice to meet you gorgeous" he smirked. I smiled knowing this would at least piss off Aidan's wolf.

"Nice to meet you too" I was sweet reaching over and shaking his hand.... but on the inside I was screaming 'PLAYER, WHAT AN ASSHAT'

I heard a growl come from beside me, I just smirked to myself knowing he was pissed. I turned over to him and smiled innocently.

As he was looking the other way glaring at a wall.


"Rosalie get your brother ready for the pack dinner." My aunt yelled from downstairs.
I wasn't even ready but I ran in his room "pick out some clothes for yourself please" and I finally got to my closet looking for something to wear.

I decided to wear something I wanted to and not something my aunt wanted me to wear I knew she'd be mad but she wouldn't have time to complain.

So I wore a black tank top sort of with a skirt that was yellow and black... and some big black boot-heals.

"Ready" my aunt saw my brother her eyes lit up when she looked over to me her eyes went dull again.... at this point I don't really care.

"Come on let's go" we all walked out to the car.


Next thing you know we are pulling up to a huge mansion and houses around the pack house.

The door was open and many people were walking in so we did as well. When we got inside Mrs.Parker and Mr.Parker were shaking or hugging the people coming in.

"Hello" Stella said to both of them.... giving Luna Cassie a hug and kiss on the cheek as she returned it. Me and Chase stood there awkwardly.
So I smiled at Alpha Derik motioning if we could go in while they were talking he just smiled and nodded so I took Chases hand and went in not wanting to loose him.

Everyone was talking and there were a group of kids from Chases school that asked him to play outback so we went out there and I sat down just watching.

"Ring! Rin-"

I picked my phone up going more near the woods to hear better.... "Hello?" I asked "we're back for you!" I knew that voice

"Come on you didn't think I was going to come back for you?!" The man said in a venomous voice.

I dropped my phone and then there was a hand gripping my face... I shut my eyes tight hoping it wasn't him.... "No please, this isn't happening" I cried lowly tears coming down my face.

But nothing happened.... I opened my eyes only to see...


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