5. Crazy wolf

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Rosalie's prov

My wolf started to go crazy. "Who? W-who brought me here?" She didn't answer me, her face was blank and her eyebrows were raised.

"What?" I said weirded out. She looked like she just figured something out she then responded to me with... "Uhm I will be right back." Then walked out.

Aidan prov

I was sitting in the lobby waiting... 2 things I was sure of, one that girl was my mate, two I had a weird feeling.

"Sir" Dr. Cel snapped me out of my thoughts. "What" I stood up fast, hoping to hear good news.

She looked around then told me to follow her. I did, once we were in her office she sat in her chair and pointed to the empty seat across from hers.

"So have you told your parents?" She said looking at me with an eyebrow raise. "W-what?" I said weirded out. "Aidan I know.... that you two are mates. It makes sense why you refused to leave the lobby." I was kind of mad that she was in my business.... "listen it's nun of your business or anyone else's." I said then looked down.

"Wow ok, uhm well I'm sorry your right I shouldn't have been in your business she's up if you wanna see her I just have to.... help her up." She said then got up and left out of the room.

Rosalie prov

As soon as the doctor left my wolf started going crazy again.

She finally came back and I sat up. "So...?" I was waiting for her to speak."So yeah, the boy that caught you he is your mate. He's also the soon to be alpha, which makes you... soon to be Luna." Luna... and mate is all that went through my head. I was feeling so many emotions, nervous, scared, happy, most of all surprised.

I started getting dizzy again, my heart was beating fast, I could hear the machine beeping fast. Next, thing I know my wolf is fighting to stay awake because th-the scent was back.

Aidan prov

I was sitting in the lobby waiting for the doctor to come back.... the next thing I know I'm feeling a panic, my wolf starts going crazy. Then it hits me it was her, I ran into the room and the doctor had a shocked expression. "What the fuck happened?!" I yelled worried.

I looked over to a beautiful girl she smelt like, vanilla, there was a tint of cinnamon. I went over to her and held her hand.... her heart rate went up as soon as I touched her, but went back down.

I decided I was going to stay in the room tonight.

Rosalie's prov
I woke up and instantly smelt the scent the room was full of it... I looked over to the couch crossed from my bed and saw a really hot ass boy. My wolf went crazy over him, so did I, but then everything came back to me.

I didn't know what to do.... I was thirsty so I got up, got dressed and left the room. I didn't see much people... I saw an office so I walked in and it was... the doctor from earlier.

"Oh my, Rosalie your up, is Aidan up too?" She looked worried, not worried about me, but him. "Aidan that's his name" I said quietly... my wolf became defensive over her worried tone.

"No... he isn't what's wrong..." I said getting worried yet mad at the same time. "N-nothing" she said. "Uhm good, do you have water?" I said looking down. "Yes here you go..." she said picking up a brand new water from her desk.

"Cool... so, I guess I should go back." I smiled and left. I drank my water on the way back to my room, when I got there I got into bed and looked over at.. Aidan. I smiled at the thought of him in general.

I looked over and saw my phone on the counter... "11:35pm damn!" I said in a quiet voice. I looked at my messages... everyone was probably asleep by now so I put it back down.

As soon as I did I got a buzz... I looked at the text which was form an unknown number.

'Hey, Rose miss us... hope so, bc we found you😉'.... my stomach twisted and I started breathing heavy. "God No..."

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