10. Enough

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Rosalie's prov

We all walked down stairs. Aidan was holding my hand!!!!! I was surprised... what changed his mind?

"Hello everybody." Mr. Parker said and everyone looked at him. "Could everyone please take a seat we have some great news!" He looked very happy, he sat down looking at his son to get up and speak.

Aidan got up holding his hand out for me to take. I smiled lightly and took it standing with him.

"As you all know I am next to be alpha.... all I needed was to find my mate, your Luna well.... I would like to introduce you all to your soon to be Luna, Rosalie Lee Nobles." Everybody's eyes lit up like Christmas.

He looked at me and placed a kiss on my hand. One girl in the crowed didn't look happy about this. I looked over the table to find Melissa and then made eye contact.

I signaled to the girl and she mind linked me! "Her name is Michelle, total bitch, also biggest obsession with Aidan." I was mad, or maybe it was my wolf.

Aidan looked at me asking me if I wanted to say a few words. I nodded yes.

"So uhm... I'm new to this kind of stuff, but I'm glad that I found MY mate I looked at Michelle smiling, and I promise to do the best as your soon to be Luna." I sat down quietly giving everyone a smile one last time.

I looked over to Aidan and his eyes were wide. He then calmed down taking my hand. "I'm sorry that was extra it's just-" I was cut off in our mind link by him "it's fine" he squeezed my hand in reassurance.


"What is so important that we had to cut the pack dinner short!" Aidan's mom said sternly. We were all in his office by us I mean... me, Stella, Mrs.Parker, Mr.Parker, and Aidan.

I was sitting on his lap in his office chair, Stella was sitting on the couch and Luna and alpha were sitting in front of Aidan's desk.

"I wanna know, why the hell you guys didn't tell me!" He almost screamed but I laid my head on his shoulder to calm him down but it still came out loud.
"Watch your tone!" His father yelled his mom trying to calm Mr.Parker down.

"N-" he started then I got up getting sick of the yelling.
"Enough! All of you shut the fuck up! For goodness sake I am so sick of the yelling can't we just get on with the conversation and stop acting like children!!" I was loud and I felt like an actual Luna!

Everybody followed my order. Looking to shocked to talk. I sat back down quietly and crossed my legs.

"Now I feel as if this conversation has became extremely ruined so I will tell you the story. Plus it's my story." I looked down feeling like crying...

Everybody's seemed to get what we were talking about now. All faces went pale except Aidan who had no idea what was going on.

"Honey.... uhm if you want and if Luna, the Alpha, and Aidan don't mind you could stay here for the night." Stella smiled weakly

"I don't mind honey stay as long as you want, just don't have pups tell you become Luna then please have MANY of them!" My eyes went wide at her words.

"Uhm yes stay as long as you need." The Alpha said chuckling at his wife's words and my expression.
"Obviously I'm okay with it." Aidan smirked and winked at me.
"Well then guess I'm staying the night" I looked at all of them smiling.

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