7. I'm fine

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Rosalie's prov

"No don't take him! Please!!" My mother screamed at the men taking away my father. Holding me as I screamed as well. "Dad! Daddy!"

"Come on your coming too!" The man said in a venomous voice. One man yanked my mother away from me "MOM! NO DON'T TAKE MY MOM!! Please!" I said crying in a whisper sounding weak.

I woke up screaming "DON'T TAKE HER AWAY!!!"

My aunt rushed to my side trying to sooth me. "Honey, breath it's ok. Breathe. Shhh."

"I- S-she she's gone" I cried in a whisper. I felt a tear on my head I knew it was her but I didn't say anything. She kept soothing my back and I soon fell asleep.

"Hey bud ready for school?" I asked my brother ruffling his hair. "Uhhh stop" he said fixing his hair I just shook my head and chuckled.

"So auntie left my Harley keys." He looked up his whole face was lit up. "Let's go!" He threw his cereal bowl into the sink and grabbed my arm pulling me outside.

I heard Angel (my wolf) chuckle at his excitement. I haven't heard from her since Aidan was a dick. "He's gonna be one brave wolf" she said in my head... "yea he is" I agreed.

After dropping him off at school, I drove to my school pulling in the driveway I had everybody's eyes on me including Aidan... his mouth dropped but was quickly up and eyes off as soon as possible. Making sure nobody saw him. But I did.

As I entered the school I was attacked by the one and only Melissa. I know she attacked me I was closing my eyes ready to hit the floor but it never came so I opened my eyes to see three guys in front of us.

Aidan who caught me, Dixon who was behind both of the guys laughing his ass off, and James who caught Melissa, Malissa was blushing so bad!

"Watch where your going" Aidan looked at me coldly I looked at him in the eyes ready to explode and he looked like he was ready to also. But when we looked each other in the eyes my anger was gone and his face softened to.

"Don't be a dick" James hit him in the chest. "Yeah thanks for asking me if I'm ok." I rolled my eyes looking away from his eyes. He rolled his eyes at me "are you ok?" I beamed him a smirk "yeah I'm fine"

I looked over to see James and Melissa still staring at each other with a look.
Then it hit me O-M-G they're MATES!!!

"Omg yay" I got in between them hugging Melissa who looked at me and started laughing.

All the guys looked at me like I was crazy. Melissa then pulled my arm taking me somewhere looking at the boys apologetically.

We were in the bathroom and the bell already rang. "What!... oh is this because I realized you two are mates and I cut in." I frowned looking down.

"No this is because you and AIDAN are mates!!!" She said and I looked at her scared. "W- h-how did you know that!" I scrunched my nose up.

"The way he looked at you." She smiled. The way he looked at me I thought, he hates me....

Her eyes went wide like way wide "OMG your gonna be our Luna!!!" She said hugging me super tight.


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