15. Information

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Aidan's prov

I was going crazy I couldn't get Melissa's call out of my head.

Ring! Ring! Ri-

Melissa- "Aidan! Aidan s-she's gone. I looked all over the mall she's gone!"

Aidan- "Melissa! Who is gone?!"

Melissa-"R-R-Rosalie!" she cried.

I got her information back on her white wolf and her mother today. Then it clicked 'wolf'

"Rosalie! Rosalie baby where are you, can you here me?!" I called in our mind link.

"I-Aidan!! She cried. Aidan please just-just make sure Chase and Stella are hidden p-please..." she sounded weak.

"Rose, baby! Where are you!" I yelled trying seem as calm as possible.
"I-in a cage" she sounded helpless...I growled at her words. "I-I don't know, all I know is it's an abandoned building. H-" then was cut off our whole mind link was cut off!

I went back to what she said an abandoned building there's only two abandoned places in our town I went to my desk and pulled out a map and circled both of them.
One was just a really big house and the other was a medium house so I went with the bigger one.

'Get my father in here!' I told James in our mind link. 'Yes Alpha' I guess my alpha voice is coming in because that's when they start calling us that.
"Hey son what's up any info?" my dad asked as he walked over to my desk.

"Yeah she's there and I need a crew!" I used a stern voice trying to keep my alpha voice out of it because that would worry them more.
"Son I-I don't have a crew ready yet it would take at least three days to plan..."

"Dad you listen to me I don't fucking care about a plan, the plan is to get in there get Rose and you can handle the rest if you want! Rosalie is MY mate if it was mom you would do the same so, if I have to get the future crew to do this then I will!" I said loudly this time I couldn't control my alpha tone.

His eyes were super wide.... "s-son you uhm wow... your right I would do the same if it was your mother. "
He must have called the pack in the mind link cause when I looked up James, Daren, Cc, Jade, Kaydn, Dixon, and Harry were all standing behind him.... "your crew is ready and if you need my crew go head son get your girl." He looked at me proudly.

"Thanks dad." I then looked behind him.

"Are you guys ready? Dixon, and Harry track down exactly where this house is and then hack into any devices there make sure you know if and when any people leave that house!"

The rest of you get ready for battle we leave at noon 4:00 to be exact!

"Oh James one more thing... Stella and Chase bring them to the pack house!" I looked at my crew one more time before leaving to get ready.

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