2. Dinnier

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Rosalie's prov

I woke up at 5am mad that I did but my wolf was hella happy. I grabbed a bag and put some shorts and a T-shirt in it then went down stairs quietly.

I ran out the door and into the forest by our house. I set the bag down where I knew I could find it. I then turned into my wolf form and ran, letting the breeze flow through my white fur.

I ran for about an hour maybe a little over. I then returned back to my bag and changed forms putting my clothes on then running back to the house.

When I got back, Chase and auntie Stella were up. Chase was eating breakfast while Stella was unpacking and putting stuff away I started helping her immediately.

It was around 1pm when we were all finished unpacking. I decided I would get dressed and take Chase out into town.

I ran upstairs and went to my closet I looked around for a moment and the decided I was going to wear, a grey crop top, some black ripped jeans with some grey slides... I put my hair in two braids, I then put a black hat on, my watch, and some sunglasses. To top it all off I put some pink matte lip stick on.

When I was done I ran down stairs, Chase was putting his shoes on. When he was done we went and said bye to Stella. "You two needa be back here at 5pm so you can get ready for dinner." She looked at us sternly. "Yes ma'am" me and Chase both said in unison.

We then turned around once we were outside we both started laughing. "Oh my gosh ok let's go" I motioned him to pick which vehicle he wanted to drive.

His face lit up and he instantly picked my Harley. I smiled at him and grabbed the helmets and handed him one. We both got on then I started it up.
Hours later (5pm)

Me and Chase both walked in to Stella dressed up.. maybe a little to much. "So how do I look" she said looking at us. I was trying to hold in my laugh and Chase could tell so he answered "good auntie you look beautiful." This made her get a big smile and a blush. I just nodded agreeing.

"Now now, you two dress presentable" she said giving my brother and me the look... "I want you in a nice dress" she said as soon as she looked at my brother to speak I rolled my eyes, "Chase your sister will pick a nice outfit out for you."

We both ran upstairs... "Chase, you can pick your clothes out" I winked at him. He just smirked at me and ran into his room.

I went into my room and picked out a simple red dress, I put a leather jacket on for a bit more of my style... and some black heals with spikes on them that would match my jacket, I added a bit more lip gloss on and then went downstairs.

My auntie was already introducing herself. Me and Chase both took a breath and then laughed quietly... at how ridiculous our aunt looked.

I then walked down the stairs Chase following me... when I saw my aunt you could tell I was gonna get complaints about my outfit. I just smiled innocently. She looked down at my brother and looked even more pissed.

He did the same thing I did. I just realized he was wearing a leather jacket to. "Oh I'm so sorry this is my... niece and nephew, Rosalie and Chase." She looked at them apologetically while saying that. I just smirked to myself.

"Nice to meet you I'm Alpha Parker and this is my wife Luna Parker." The alpha said smiling at both of us.

"First name?" I asked looking at them. They both looked confused and auntie looked sad... then they looked like something just clicked after all they already new everything, they do background checks... before we could join the pack.

"Derik and Cassie" the women now said with a smile. "I'm so sorry my son couldn't make it he's stuck up with something." the Luna said trying to look convincing but I could tell he was probably just an ass.

"Oh it's fine we understand shall we have dinner?" my aunt said with a ridiculous fake high pitch voice I was trying not to laugh.

"Of course." Luna Parker said. When we were all sitting down. We started to begin eating which I was happy about I mean I'm hella starving.

"Tell us more about your son." This brought a smile to the Luna's face. "Well his name is Aidan he's an amazing son just a bit well he just turned 17 so... teenagers." She said with an expression that said it all. She made sure she hid that expression fast but I caught it.

"Your telling me." My aunt said huffing I just glared at her, while my brother laughed. When dinner was done we said our goodbyes to the the alpha and Luna.

"What the hell." Stella said. "I told you to dress nicely!" She looked upset. "What you don't like our outfits?" I questioned with a fake innocent smile.

She just dropped the subject knowing she wouldn't get anywhere with me.

We all cleaned up then headed off to bed. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, it's been a long day I thought as I drifted off.

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