18. Epilogue

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Rosalie's prov

(5 years later)

Well here I am with my two baby's.... Gracie is my little baby she is two now and of course Aidan my love... my mate... and my baby

The pack is doing good and almost all of our pack trains to fight now, even some kids like to join in and try to train. Melisa and James are married and have a two kids one is four years old her name is Mya she is very hyper just like her mother.... and is a strong girl she loves to train and shes only 4! Then there is JJ ('James Jr' me and Melisa thought it was funny at the time then it just stuck) two years old JJ he seems like a total flirt and it's adorable!

Me and Melisa hope that Gracie and JJ are mates it wouldn't mess anything up because Sarah is the next beta. Plus, like I said he's a total flirt.

As for Chase well he is now 12 years old damn.... he already is a lady killer too. He comes over at least twice a week. My mom lives with Stella... Stella cried and cried when she saw my mom after all it is her sister.

I am living a happy life with my family and my pack. I also have Aidan's mom trying to convince us to have more pups.

Oh and as for Daren well he died 2 years ago my mom said we should let him rot in the cell and torture him but after I found out I was pregnant I decided it was best if we kill him so yeah.

I don't have to worry about my family, friends, or pack being in danger anymore! I can live in a happy family and can have a happy ending!

I know this is a short chapter sry 🤷‍♀️

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