6. Official meeting

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Rosalie's prov

I fell asleep some time last night I really don't fucking remember when. This morning I woke up to a boy (Aidan) still sleeping on the couch.

The doctor came in and that's when I woke up... to the smell of food. "1....2....3 now." The doctor started counting as soon as she said now, Aidans eyes were open and he was up.

"Food?" He said in a sexy morning voice, rubbing his eyes. "Yes, food let Rosalie eat first... " as soon as she said my name his eyes darted to me and he sat up immediately.

"H-Hi" I looked at him then down at my lap embarrassed that I actually fell for him... (haha get it cause I fell... yea I'll stop.) "Hi" he said surprised... I then heard a voice in my head... mine, and his wolf! I ignored his and my wolf.... I was just surprised we linked that fast.
The doctor left the room to us.

We then ate in silence. "So you know the only reason I'm here is to make sure you didn't die... it's my job as, soon to be alpha." He said harshly, which I could've seen this coming from the day he didn't come with his parents to greet the new wolfs...us... but obviously my wolf couldn't see it coming she was heart broken and I could feel all her pain... and I bet he could to.

"Damn straight to it then... well then that's cool." I said this quietly to where only he could hear me. "Well I need to get home..." I got up grabbed my phone and left without saying a word.

When I got home I went straight to my aunties room... she looked up with a bright smile looking tired. "W- I'm so happy your okay." She ran up to me and gave me a hug... I already knew what she was thinking.

"I-it wasn't them auntie... it-it was something else" I took a deep breath. "I know I spoke to the doc. she said it was your choice to tell me." She looked at me knowing I wasn't the person to open up. "Uhm I'm tired so... imma go to sleep" I said giving her a kiss on the cheek... then walking upstairs to my room.

He's such an ass... I can't even believe him. Just because he's the 'soon to be alpha doesn't mean he could be a dick to me! I was fighting with myself.

"Hey sis!!" I looked over I didn't even notice that much time had went by. "Hey bud" I patted on my bed telling him he could sit. He came in and sat there... "I-I brought you something" he looked down.

"Hey... what is it." I was a little worried because of how he was acting. He pulled something out of his pocket... it was two pictures. As soon as I laid my eyes on them I almost started crying.

It was my mom... in her wolf form and without her wolf form. I looked up at my brother and then there my tear went... I laid down and then Chase put a blanket on me, gave me a hug and left.... knowing I needed some space to think.

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