11. Telling people

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Rosalie's prov

Once the parents left the office it was quite for about 2min until he started.

"So what happened who are the people trying to get you? Why now? Also why-" Aidan kept asking but I cut him off.... "Okay let me tell you the story chill." I chuckled sadly.


"So when I was 13 my mom and dad got taken away from me and my brother.... he doesn't remember much cause he was three, but I-I have flashbacks and dreams." I took a breath trying not to cry.

"The leader of the group that took them (Daren Vick) he-he took my dad because my mom was my dads mate. This guy was obsessed with my mother Grace. Uhm he-he beat my dad in front of me and my mother then-then took her r-right there and-and I just sat there begging and crying....."

"I-I didn't get up!" I cried and he instantly held me in his arms. "Nobody knows if she's alive everyone doubts it but.... I don't, he loves her to much to kill her." I said crying more.
"They left me there..... and now-now they're back for me."

"I can't let them hurt anyone. What ever happens promise me one thing, p-promise me you won't let them take my brother" I said crying while he was rubbing circles on my back.

He stoped when I said that. So I looked up at him with glossy eyes. He looked sad yet... mad.
"Nobody is taking anybody!" I smiled weakly at his words. I put my head in the crook of his neck smelling his scent. Feeling safe automatically.

I woke up in a bed, Aidan's scent struck me like lightning. I already knew this had to be Aidan's room... I looked around to see a huge room. A couch was a crossed the bed and Aidan..... was laying on it.

I got up smiling and going out of the room... on a journey to find Melissa because I know she stayed with James last night and he lives in the pack house.

I walk down a wide hall full of doors.... "eww look who it is Rosalie, just the person I need to say something to, stay the hell away from Aidan he's mine!" I looked up to see Michelle saying all of this she then pushed me back... a girl named Hannah was laughing standing next to her.

"Stand down NOW! Or I swear to god you won't like the consequence!" I said loud and she covered her ears I looked at her confused... "What are you?" She looked at me scared, and had wide eyes.

"Wow" I looked behind them to see Melissa standing there. "Y-Your a white wolf" she shuddered. I looked down to see I changed into my wolf.

I looked at Melissa and she got the point and ran in a room coming out with a huge T-shirt I quickly turned back and changed.
"Yeah I'm white." I smiled shyly knowing we were rare.

"What the hell is going on..." I jumped at the sound of someone else's voice, I already knew who it was but I turned around to see Aidan looking confused....


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