3. Mall

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Rosalie's prov

This morning I didn't wake up from my alarm I woke up from my brother shaking me to death. "Dude get up" my brother was still shaking me.

"What the hell do you want" I grunted. "Auntie is gone... she left a note on the table saying she'll be back later, and I better be in bed by 9:00 you 10:00 to 11:00, cause we start school tomorrow. When is auntie ever gone." He said going on and on.

"Ok shut up, let me get showered and then dressed we can go to the mall or some shit." As soon as I said this... he ran out then came back in, ran to my bathroom with a clean towel.

"Ok it's all set up... so hurry up." he said still grinning.

I took a 10min shower it felt nice... to fill fresh, I walked into my room and went to my closet I didn't really want to go to big today so I just threw on redish, purple sweater on and some cute ripped jeans.

I then ran downstairs, my brother was on the couch with my wallet keys and 20 bucks that my auntie probably left.

"Ready?" He asked handing me my stuff and opening the door for me so I could get outside. "Yeah... we're taking the Jeep?" I asked kind of confused... he usually loves riding my Harley.

"About that... so in that letter auntie sat on the table well she took your keys away for the stunt we pulled last night." He was smirking.

I just laughed at him ruffling his hair as I walked by to get in the Jeep. "Seriously, sis the hair thing needs to stop." His voice was all pouty he locked the front door then got in the Jeep.

We finally got to the mall and... I finally found a parking space. "Damn I never knew so many people went to the mall." I looked out and there were like 3 huge groups of girls. "O wait yeah I did."

Me and my brother started laughing as one girl was taking a picture of a boy she looked ridiculous trying to hide her phone because her flash went off.

"Hey wanna race to the mall door?" my brother said smirking at me. "Bet!" I said with a smirk. We both got out of the Jeep and shut the door. Some people looked at us as we lined our feet up.

"Ready!" I said.
"Set!" Chase said.
"Go!" I said.

We both started running... a lot of people were looking at us now... some girls were giving me a look... others looked surprised. I was laughing so hard while running and so was Chase.

We both reached the door at the exact same time. We both laughed and high fived each other. "Dude good job your getting faster I said laughing." I was still laughing.

When we entered we went straight to the escalators so we could go up and down. I know kidish... but hella fun.

"Hey sis thanks for taking us out today" Chase said thankfully to me as we walked to the food court. I could tell everything that happened had an affect on him, and I always tried to make it go away when I could.

"Dude, anytime Chase your my brother what are sisters for" I winked at him.

"What do you want to eat?" "Oh can we-" he started to answer but I then started to smell a really good smell... a mixture of cigarette and mint. I hate cigarettes but this smell was amazing!

"Dude" Chase said tapping on my arm bring me out of my thoughts. "Can we?" He asked I was confused. "What" I said shaking my head.

"Can we get some McDonald's?" I didn't know what this smell was but... I felt light headed... like I needed it.

"Yeah bud let's get it down the road though" I tried to sound like nothing was wrong but I mean... that's not convincing to a 9 year old.

"Why would we do that...?" I then realized what the smell was... my wolf was screaming "MATE! Rosalie- MATE!" Not here no... no...no was all I was thinking.

"Come on!" I grabbed Chases hand and ran. He was trying to keep up with me.

We finally got in the car and he looked at me really confused. "What the heck was that!" He said angered and confused... mostly confused.

"Mate...." is all I said and his face went blank. "Oh" he said and then we drove in silence.

I turned the radio on and the song space came on so we just listened to that until we got to McDonald's.

"What do you want squirt" I had to break the silence. "Uhm 2 cheeseburgers please" he said smiling.

"Ok" I said then ordered him that... I got myself a large fry that I ended up sharing with Chase. When we got home I told him to go shower then sleep... he did exactly that.

I was tired so... as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out

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