12. Surprise

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Rosalie's prov

"Well... so basically Michelle told Rose- that you are hers she actually used the word MINE then Rosalie used her Luna tone basically telling her that you are not Michelle's you are hers, which is weird because you usually don't get your Luna tone until your Luna... then she turned into a wolf only to find ou she's a WHITE wolf!" Melissa said fast running out of breath in the end.

I looked over to see a smirking Aidan!! I was confused why was he smirking!!?

"Uhm... so- surprise?" I just stopped confused.
He looked up and gave a look and they all left. Which just confused me more!!!

"Your right I am yours" he smirked again winking at me. "Cocky much?" I scoffed. "Is that all you heard?" I asked smiling.
"No I also heard your fighting over me with your Luna tone and that you are a white wolf which means something and I'm going to get my soon to be beta searching on that" he added.

I smiled confused. "Ok one I didn't know being a white wolf meant something and two I just realized I don't know who our beta or anybody is really."

He rolled his eyes laughing at me.

"Ok so here's the list for our soon to be's" he handed me the list as we got back into his room


Alpha- Aidan Parker
Luna- Rosalie Nobles

Beta- James Henry+Melissa Milly

Pack doctor- Siren Lee

Enforcers (fighters)

- Cassandra Lee

- Daren Cel

- Cc

- Jade Kraken

- Kaydn Peanar

Trackers (Tec) & (Scents)-
- Dixon Dame
- Harry Dame

Lookouts- Karen Mil
- Kally Mil
- Kimberly Mil


"So the trackers are brothers?.... Dixon has a brother" he shook his head laughing "yeah except Dixon is more of a dick... Harry jokes around a lot..." I just laughed with him.

"So uhm I want to see Chase but I wanna come back if- uhh- if that's ok." I said shyly looking down.
"Babe, you are gonna be living here one day might as well get used to it..." I smiled at the name he called me and at what he said.

"Can you come with me?" I tilted my head with a questionable look on my face. "Yeah" he said and smiled back at me.


"Hey, I'm home" I yelled I saw Chase and Stella come out of the corner.... "Hey sis" I smiled down at Chase, who was now looking at Aidan... "Alpha" he said serious to him. I chuckled at Chase. "Lunas brother" Aidan said with the same tone.

They were just staring at each-other like they were having a staring contest. I then couldn't hold it in any longer.... I started bursting out laughing.

Aidan's eyes shot up at me and lit up. "You past the test..." my brother said out of nowhere, mine and Aidan's eyes were now confused.

"What?" I asked.

"Well I knew you were going to laugh eventually I wanted to see if he rather keep staring or pay attention to his mate. You passed paying attention to her is good." He said putting his hand out to shake it. Aidan shook his hand shrugging it off.

We stayed there a couple more hours well until I got tired. "Hey auntie I'm going to go stay with Aidan again at the pack house is that ok?"

"Of course, love you bye." I started walking out "love you too bye."

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