9. Finding out

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Rosalie's prov

"Aidan?" I said hugging him not caring if he hated me. I cried and to my surprise he held me.

"You called what happened?!" He said worried. I cried harder at what he just asked....
"I-I w-w-what!?" I shudder. "Threw our mind link?" He said confused. Then it came back, I did....

I pointed to my phone... he looked at it and looked confused picking it up. "Come on let's go to my office and talk" he put an arm around me kissing my forehead then leading me to his office.


"So what happened?" He ask soothingly as we sat on the couch in his big office. He was rubbing circle's on my back.

"T-They're b-back for me!" Is all I could get out.

He looked mad yet confused "Who! Who's back" he looked really mad. I looked at him finally stopping my tears.... "y- I-I thought you knew y-your parents obviously do and I-I know you hate me I thought that-that was one of the reasons..." I searched his eyes but nothing...

He knew nothing about what I was talking about. He looked pissed not at me but that he didn't know yet his parents did.

It was quite for about 30sec I was just looking down and finally he broke the silence.

"Huh, I don't hate you, I'm not good for you.." he had a sad look in his eyes looking away from me and at the ground

I looked up at him and made him look at me, "you are so dumb..." I chuckled looking at him, I still had glossy eyes.... "you have saved my life what three times now... if you hadn't been there th-they would've took me" a tear fell and he looked at me sad and wiped it away from me and let me sink into his arms.

We stayed in that position at least 30min Aidan playing with my hair and I just smiled like an idiot, before a knock on the door startled me and I jumped.
I heard a growl realizing it was Aidan... his eyes were glaring at the door. I touched his shoulder getting him to look at me and he instantly calmed down.

"Come in!" He said sternly. In walked Mrs.Parker and Mr. Parker along with Stella.
I looked just as confused as Aidan did.

"Oh my god, there you are" Stella said and then her eyes went to Aidan then back to me and it continued until Luna C- got a huge smile and started jumping up and down squealing.

Then Mr.Parkers eyes lit up... then Stella finally got the point. I looked over at Aidan who looked at them like they were stupid cause they were acting like teenagers.

"Honey it's about time!!" Aidan's mom said. He shoved his hands to his face. Shaking his head in disapproval. I chuckled a little. His eyes shot up to me trying to glare.

"We have to tell the pack!!!" His mom butted in again. "Soon, like tonight!!" Stella added.

"Ok we will!" Aidan finally giving in taking me by surprise.

"We have a lot to talk about after dinner." Aidan added looking at his parents angered.

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