17. Oughta here

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Aidan's prov

I couldn't take it anymore it was finally time to get her back my mate. The girl that I'm meant to be with.

I grabbed my things and left my room. Me and my pack heading down to this abandoned place that they kept my love Rosalie at.... we stopped about 1 mile away from this place it was in the middle of nowhere half of us turning into wolfs and the others walking the mile we left the car and one of the Mil triplets behind to look out for the car and anybody that may run.

As we approached this building I started to recognized it... it was an old pack house, 'Terra's Pack'.... they're pack got attacked by Rogues and most of them died the others joined other packs we got a couple of family's that joined our pack.

"Listen up! When we go in I need some people alive they will answer my questions I need Daren alive. I'm sure the Luna will love to kill him herself!" I said the last part more to myself.

"Understand!" I looked up eyeing everybody I heard "Yes alpha!" in unison. I smiled and nodded. I looked at some wolfs by the windows of the house they were waiting for my signal I then nodded to them and they instantly jumped in.

I heard screams and that's when I busted down the door the rest of us turning into wolfs starting to help fight.

I saw a bulky man run down the stairs along with this other man I quickly followed Cc following me. As we walked down slowly making sure nobody could hear us... I was close enough to hear people and then her scent hit me like a bullet.

I heard laughing it was beautiful I knew it was Rosalie's laugh. I was honestly confused... I listened closer hearing her speak... "Dead... y-you guys are dead" she laughed out. 'That's my girl' I thought to myself.

I heard a slap the laughing didn't stop through I quickly came into view just as he was about to slap Rosalie again I caught his hand punched him in the face making him growl loudly and fall to the floor. "It's not nice to hit women" my eyes must've been black.

I saw Cc getting Rose and another women out of the cage.

"She's nothing but a mistake" I was going to hit him again but to my surprise a girl that looked similar to Rose just older, came into view smacking his face hard! "You bastered" she screamed... punching him and it was hard enough for him to pass out.

My eyes were wide "wow" is all I said I looked up to see Cc had the other guy on the floor passed out. "Aidannn!" I heard Rosalie's voice yell and I felt arms around me I looked down and hugging her back.

I took her face in my hands looking into her eyes, kissing her gently... we both pulled apart and I gave her another hug. "I love you." I stiffened at her words then smiled to myself. "I love you to Rose" I held her in a hug for a minute until I heard her say "Let's get oughta here" I smiled and nodded agreeing.

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