Chapter 8

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~Chapter 8~


***Chloe's POV***

"WHAT?!" I yell. I can't believe him why would he do such a thing? I'm going to kill him when I see him next!

"Your not suppose to know" Louis said to me in a normal voice. Of course I'm not suppose to know about him! But I don't give a fuck anymore! He's going to die when I see him! Does he know how girls will feel after he gets then leaves when he does his thing? They feel wasted and useless! And I know how it feels! I've been in that possession before and it wasn't nice at all.

"Of course I'm fucken not suppose to know!" I yelled. I wasn't mad at Lou I was mad at my own brother. How can I be related to THAT?! It's disgusting!

"Shh, don't let him hear you" he said in a low tone.

"I don't CARE! He doesn't know how the girls feel to be in that possession!" I yelled again. I'm not going to calm down. I don't care if he comes in. If he does he's going to get a black eye from seeing me.

"And it's like you've been in that possession?" He asked looking me straight in the eye. Shit! What am I going to do tell him? No! He'll just be sorry and I don't want pity from someone how hasn't been in my situation.

"Um yes I have but don't tell Harry again please" I said giving him my puppy face. He sighed and then nodded. I flung my arms around his neck and hugged him. He hugged back happily.

"Who did that to you?" He asked after we broke from the hug.

"Callum...." I said trailing off. I looked down.

"I won't tell Harry don't worry" he said giving me a big grin. I just laughed at him. He looked like he just saw the biggest lolly-pop in the world. "You can't kill Harry......yet okay?" He asked me with another smile tugging at him lips. I smiled and nodded. I jumped up off my bed and went to the door.

"You coming?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him. He looked up from looking at his fingers and nodded. He stood up then walk over to where I was. "Good because if you didn't and I see Harry I would have killed him" I said smiling. Louis just chuckled.

"Yep well I don't want to miss that do I?" He asked looking at me and raising an eyebrow. Was he serious? Then he burst out laughing and he bent over his stomach laughing his ass off. After him calming down he stood back up straight.

"It was what I said that and your face was just priceless" he said.

"Well thank you and it's because I thought you weren't kidding and I was like 'you want me to kill him?' So yeah I was quite confused" I said looking at the ground and blushed a little.

"Aww is Chloe blushing?"

"Shut up" I said while slapping his hand away. We walked out of my bedroom door at into the lounge. "What time is it?" I asked looking over to Louis, who was sticking his head in the fridge looking for something to eat.

"Um I think it's like 2 in the afternoon" he spoke, looking up from the fridge to look at me. I nodded and walked over to the couch. I sat down then got the remote and turned on tv. There wasn't anything on, really, so I turned it back off then looked at a book in front of me. Then I felt the couch dip a bit and I looked up to see Louis there eating.........a carrot? I looked back down at the book. It was called Daylight.

"Where's Harry?" I asked still looking down at the book, it looked interesting. It took him a while to answer my question. Why?

"He's out....." Oh no that's not good.

"Where?" I questioned. I waited for an answer, still looking down at the book. I'm going to read this one day. I thought to myself. I looked up at Louis waiting for him to talk. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Uh...... At a girls house" that's all I needed to make me angry. I threw the book down at the little coffee table, then looked Louis in the eye.

"When he comes home I'm going to beat the living crap out if him, and your not going to stop me, got it?" I asked still looking him right in the eye. He nodded once then I turned away from him. "Why is he doing this?" I asked myself in a whisper so no one can hear me, but I think Louis heard because he answered for me.

"He can't keep to one girl and he can't help it" I looked back up to Louis and raised an eyebrow.

"Why can't he help it?" I asked still looking at him.

"When we became a band he just couldn't help himself and he started it then" he said not looking at me but looking at his sleeve. (A/N: I don't know if that's true, I just made that up) I nodded even if he couldn't see me. I stood up and walked into the kitchen and to the pantry. I opened it up to see not heaps of food but not to little food. I picked up the first thing I saw, it was a bag of chips. I walked back out then headed for my room to get changed out of this dress and into something like shorts and a tee. I walked in there and picked up a pair of demon shorts and a UK tee and went to the bathroom to not only get changed but to do my business. Once I finished I walked out and put on some red converses and walked out of my room. I walked into were Louis was and walked up to him.

"I'm going out for a walk if you need me" I said smiling at him. He stood up from the couch and looked me up and down. I raised an eyebrow. "Like what you see Tomlinson?" I asked smirking. He quickly looked at the floor and shock his head before saying

"Maybe....." I just shock my head then walked over to the door.

"See you in an hour" I said giving a little wave then I opened the door and walked out. I heard a little 'okay bye' then I shut the door and walked down the hall way to the elevator and pressed the G floor (ground) and waited till the 'bing' then stepped out and walked to the front door of the hotel. Once I stepped into the fresh air I could feel the breeze on my face, it was so nice to finally be out side. I walked down the street and saw a sign that read: Nando's so I walked in. It was nice but I didn't stay to eat so after a few minutes I walked back out with out buying anything. I kept walking hopping to find a park. I didn't watch were I was going and bumped into someone. I looked up to see a familiar face looking down at me.


A/N: I hope that's a longer chapter guys. What's going on? Who is that person that's so familiar?

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