Chapter 9

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~Chapter 9~


***Chloe's POV***

It's Callum! No no no, this is not happening to me!

I quickly stood to my feet and was going to run, but then he grabbed ahold of my wrist. "Chloe baby I was looking for you" he said in a happy/cheerful voice, it was disgusting. I tried getting free from his grip. I did and then I started to run but he wrapped his arms around my waist to stop me. I was about to scream for help when he covered my mouth with a rag. He knew me well, but I'm not going to let this happen to me again. I tried screaming through the rag but it was no use. I just gave up and let him pull me to his car. He through me over his boney shoulder. When we reached his car/van he through me into the back and went to the drivers seat. I had time to think of a way out of this. I had my hands tied but not my feet so I kicked off my shoes and socks, don't ask how, I just did it, and I tried undoing my hands. (My hands were in front of me not behind my back, that shows how much an idiot he is) I finally undid it in the matter of minutes then I took out the rag that was around my mouth. I quickly but quietly crawled over to the door and tried opening it. Ha it was open, that idiot! I opened it without making a sound then looked out. He was still driving so I had to be a ninja and do that duck and roll thing. I prepared myself and then threw myself out of the van and onto the road. Luckily there were no cars after him. I got up off the ground and ran for it. My sides were hurting from the jump, but that didn't stop me from running because he could come back and pick me up again. I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and looked through the contacts. Damn I don't have Louis! Ugh who am I going to call? Harry? Shit no he's having his little party in his pants.

I looked for my mums and dialled it. Ring ring ring ri-

"Hello?" My mums voice said into the phone.

"Mum it's me, Chloe, I just escaped from being kidnapped and I'm running beside a road and I don't know where I am or where I'm going" I said to cry. I was lost and no one could find me only Callum can and I don't want that.

"OMG! Call the police and they can track your cell phone and get you, okay?" She asked freckling out. She doesn't know how it feels to be in my passion it's horrible!

"Okay bye"

"Bye love you, be safe" she said, her voice shaking. Then I hung up and straight away called the police.

"What's the emergence?" A woman's voice asked me.

"I just got kidnapped then I escaped and now I don't know where I am and I'm just running beside a road" I said to the woman.

"What's your name?" She asked. I could hear her typing.

"Chloe Styles" I said to her.

"Okay, Chloe the police are on their way" she spoke.

"Thank you" I said in an exhorted voice. I was out of breath but I couldn't stop know he's probably looking for me now.

"Your welcome honey" then I hung up and started looking ahead of me to see where I was running and to look out for police cars. I've been running for at least half an hour now and I'm sure that Callum knows I've gone and is probably looking for me now. There were no police cars or any cars I've seen yet. I was really tired but I was not going to stop running so I kept going. Then I heard sirens and flashing lights coming from up ahead. I jumped up in joy for hearing that. When I could see the cars I jumped up and down waving my arms hopping they can see me. They came driving up to me and stopped in front of me. I had a huge grin on my face. I was saved! I jumped in the car after they asked for my name and stuff and we started driving away. I fell asleep after 10 minutes of being in the car, I was out like a light.

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