Chapter 2: The Contract

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The crown prince of the Aquina Empire strode through the hallways, still stewing from his interaction with the woman the Great Coral had appointed to be his mate, his Chosen. She was unlike anyone he had ever encountered. He hadn't met many surface dwellers in his time, but to think they were that rude... Her composure in particular irked him. No matter what he said to her, that blank mask of hers never shifted.

"Del, my love, what are you so angry about?" His brooding expression shifted the moment he heard Sylvia's voice. He turned to face the siren approaching him. He closed that small bit of space between them, grasping her soft hands in both of his.

"I retrieved her. The blasted woman I'm being forced to marry," he spat out angrily. Sylvia's expression contorted slightly at the mention of his inevitable marriage. He knew she didn't like it when he spoke of the barrier to their happiness. "She's even worse than I imagined."

Sylvia laughed and Delwyn smiled, enjoying the tinkling notes of her amusement. "She can't be that bad."

He sighed deeply. "Let's not talk about her right now. What did you spend your afternoon doing, my dearest?" He shifted his form, swapping out his legs for his beloved tail. He'd been too preoccupied with thoughts of his future consort to do so. Why humans so treasure their legs, I'll never know. He inwardly grumbled. They were highly inefficient limbs that Delwyn rarely utilized, for good reason. He hated walking.

He listened indulgently to the pink-haired beauty next to him as they floated along the hallways of the palace. They nodded at the officials and servants who greeted them as they passed them by. It didn't escape Delwyn's notice that they were smiling when they took in the animated expressions of his companion – Sylvia was capable of enchanting anyone. He truly was lucky to have her.

"Alune is so funny! He never fails to make me laugh," Sylvia said, and he smiled.

"If you truly enjoy his company that much, then invite him to the palace more often," Delwyn told her. She nodded.

"I will, thank you, Del!" She leaned forward to give him a kiss, but he pulled back. She frowned. "Not even kisses?"

He shook his head. "You know why."

"It's not like it mattered before, why does it matter now?" she asked sulkily. Delwyn sighed, he often wondered the same thing himself.

"Just be patient, Sylvia. I promise, soon, we'll finally be together." He lifted a hand to her cheek. "I can't wait to finally do whatever I want to you."

She blushed pleasantly, before aiming her eyes downwards, her good mood disappearing. "But first you'll have to make love to that woman."

"I won't be making love with her. I'll fuck her, only out of necessity, but I'll never love her," he vowed.

Sylvia gasped. "Language, Del," she giggled. They held hands and he gazed deeply into the green orbs. For a moment, he was tempted to break the rules and steal a kiss from her pink lips.

But he decided against it. A moment's temptation could ruin his entire future.

Before Delwyn could continue to whisper sweet nothings to Sylvia, someone cleared their throat. He threw an irritated look in his green-haired aide's direction.

"Your majesty. I apologize for interrupting." The merman bowed, before lifting his yellow eyes to the couple.

"Not at all, Osharus," Sylvia greeted brightly.

"What's the matter?" Delwyn was less patient with the newcomer.

"The guards of the future lady consort have sent a message. She's demanding your presence." Osharus, who had been by the prince's side since his birth, didn't bother mincing his words. Delwyn ground his teeth together irritably.

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