Chapter 21: The Date

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Reina walked back from the library to the emperor's quarters. She had been in the library, but had gotten sleepy halfway through a book, her head drooping over it. Leth had to gently shake her awake and ask her if she wanted to go back to her room for a nap.

If Grandfather saw me falling asleep over a book...

She halted in her step, earning her odd looks from Nereus and Leth.

Since when was I so blasé about thinking of grandfather? Confiding in someone was truly a curious thing. Perhaps it was because Delwyn accepted her flaws so easily that Reina had begun to accept the abuse she'd endured. It wasn't all good, of course. The ensuing pang of hurt that came after thinking about her past still came, but not as quickly as before. It wasn't as potent, either.

Reina felt an odd, sudden urge to tell her husband about this new discovery of hers.

No, what are you thinking? She scolded herself. You can't disturb him. Besides, it said so on the contract, remember? You can't seek him out.

She started walking once more, with her escorts peering curiously after her. Reina's gaze lingered over the courtyard garden. A familiar tail flicked back and forth, the rest of the person hidden behind a bush. Curiosity piqued, Reina strode into the garden. She found Laiken seated there on a stone bench.

"Reina," he greeted in a friendly voice. "What brings you here?"

"I was just passing by and I saw your tail." Reina really liked looking at Laiken's tail. The gorgeous orca tail was a sight to behold.

"Come, sit." He patted the area beside him and Reina complied. "How have you been? Any issues?"

"Not since the check-up four days ago."

"Shall I have a look anyway?" He offered her his open palm. Reina didn't even hesitate. If Delwyn had been there, he would have groaned about his wife's lack of resistance against touching other men. He would not have considered, of course, that Laiken held Reina's hand on a weekly basis during the check-ups. Reina saw the action as strictly professional.

A few minutes passed as Laiken casted the intricate appraisal spell on her.

"Progressing well. Looks like your due date is set. You should be due in twenty weeks or so."

Reina nodded. Laiken had given her an estimated due date rather early on, and that hadn't changed much so there was no surprise there for Reina.

"Okay, good." Reina shook her hand once, a signal to Laiken to release her hand, but Laiken ignored it. Reina shot him a look – he grinned in response. "Laiken... you really like needling Delwyn, don't you?"

Laiken laughed. He leaned forward conspiratorially so that he could whisper in Reina's room. "Don't tell any of his sisters, but Del's my favorite cousin. Mostly because he loses his temper so easily."

Ah, a sadist.

"By the way, Reina, did you want to know what the baby's gender is?" Laiken asked, his eyes sparkling.

It was against tradition for the royal family to learn of the child's sex before the baby was born, to protect the child. After all, there would be a high level of anticipation from the citizens, depending on whether the baby was a boy or girl. One could, after all, inherit the throne while the other couldn't unless specific conditions were met.

Unfortunately, the Aquina Empire still advocated men in positions of power over women. While they didn't seem to discriminate or persecute women as those aboveground had, those of the fairer sex were seen as creatures to protect. As such, responsibilities and certain rights were taken out of their hands. Most fathers were completely content allowing their daughters to have minimal education, spend all their time fawning over jewelry or dresses, and attending gatherings. This mainly applied to those of noble heritage, but many matters were still snatched out of the hands of women in the lower-class, 'for their own good'.

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