Chapter 12: The Unraveling

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As he lay in Reina's bed, stroking her silky hair and twirling it around his fingers, Delwyn thought about his conversation with Sylvia, shortly after she found out that he had started visiting Reina's room at night again.

"It's so her position doesn't get too weak, Sylvia. Reina is still a member of the royal family. If I abandon her, I'm worried that the servants will treat her poorly."

"Who cares? She can handle herself."

"I don't want the baby to be harmed."

"Why?" She glowered at him suspiciously. His heart raced. What did he just say? That he was worried about the child that he'd declared he wouldn't love?

"...If she miscarries, then we'll have to try for another one. Which will push our wedding back even further, Sylvia."

Sylvia crossed her arms over her chest. "So, you're not sleeping with her? You're just visiting her room?"

Delwyn was now truly caught. His eyes darted about nervously.

He couldn't say he wasn't expecting the sobs coming from her. He looked at her hurt, miserable expression as she cried crystalline tears that rapidly joined up with the water around them.

"I... I'm sorry, Sylvia. I just... I have needs," he said weakly, citing Reina's words. Even though he thought it was strange. That need had never presented itself to him before he had slept with Reina. Sure, he had been tempted many times by Sylvia's body, but it never felt as urgent or necessary before. He supposed it was just because he had become exposed to the pleasurable sensations and couldn't return to remaining ignorant.

"Then use me instead!" she cried.

"I will. I will, Sylvia, I promise. When we're married, I'll never sleep with another woman. Only you," he vowed confidently. "In the meantime, please understand. This isn't out of love, I'm simply sating my needs."

Sylvia sniffled. "You promise?"

"I promise."

But when he thought of all the times he kissed Reina, after they were done, he felt a little dirty for promising such a thing.

And then there was the situation of Sylvia asking for Reina's wedding gifts. He groaned under his breath when he thought of that. Reina's calm face seemed livid to him. He wasn't sure if he was imagining it. That night, she repeatedly claimed she wasn't angry and they slept together like usual. He'd expected it to be awkward, but Reina was exactly the same as she took his cock, moaning and orgasming on it freely.

In contrast, Sylvia was furious. She ranted about Reina for days.

"Who does she think she is? How rude! I was just trying to make a trade – what gives her the right to talk to me like that?"

Delwyn didn't participate in her complaints of Reina, even though he had before. He listened nervously, praying that Sylvia wouldn't suddenly ask him to take sides. In truth, he thought that Sylvia had gone overboard. Why had she gone out of her way to ask for something from Reina, who barely had anything? Sylvia had a whole room of jewelry, why had she coveted Reina's one box? Was it truly just because she believed he had chosen those pieces? He told her that he hadn't, though, and she maintained that she still wanted it albeit in a small, guilty voice.

It gave him a headache.

He didn't understand either of the women in his life.

Reina frowned as she woke up and he looked into her face.

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