Chapter 8: The Point

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"Sylvia, you look beautiful."

Her dress was covered in sequins and it formed a color gradient, with her voluptuous chest covered in pink sequins that slowly morphed and blended into her deep green tail. The dress was tight around her torso but flowed into a loose skirt around her tail. Her bare neck was dripping with jewels that matched her eyes, but it was tastefully done, so that it further enhanced her looks. Her hair was adorned with sparkling corals and shells but left loose like a cloud of glittery cotton candy.

"You look wonderful too, my love," she returned the compliment smoothly as he took her hand. The seven handmaids that attended to Sylvia kept their heads bowed as the couple left for the ballroom.

Delwyn was wearing a collared shirt and tailcoat suit. The suit was green to match Sylvia's tail and an ascot tie was around his neck. He wasn't a fan of the stuffy dress code required at balls, but as part of the imperial family he had long since grown accustomed to the discomfort of being crammed into the restraining clothing.

"That woman... she'll be there tonight, won't she?" Sylvia hadn't broached the subject with him beforehand, but Delwyn knew she was aware that Reina was obligated to be at the Moon Migration ball. All members of the royal family were, save his ill father and absent Cassiana.

Even Fir, who spent all her time at Virtrie's barracks would attend tonight. Probably in men's clothing. His willful sister hadn't worn a dress for many years now.

"Yes. But she won't bother us. You don't have to worry about her."

Sylvia turned a dazzling smile at him. Before he could react, she planted a quick kiss on his cheek. "Sylvia," he admonished quietly, pressing his hand to the spot she had kissed. The servants they were passing didn't dare raise their heads but Delwyn was self-conscious of their judgement anyway.

His siren just laughed at his reaction, then swam ahead of him, dragging him along through their linked hands.

The ball was already under way when their entrance was announced. He took his place at the throne atop the lifted platform in the front of the ballroom.

His eyes swept across the crowd as Sylvia hovered beside the throne. The Moon Migration's ball was a significant event but not as much as that of his wedding. Some delegates had stayed for this ball, but many had returned to their respective kingdoms. The ball's attendance consisted of Virtrie's aristocracy, many of whom were officials or military leaders in Aquina. It was incredibly rare for someone of common origins to become an official – most weren't even literate. Magic determined a person's worth in Aquina. If you couldn't use magic, nobody would invest in your education. In contrast, if you were talented at using magic, you quickly rose through the ranks.

Among the crowds, Delwyn found her. His wife was standing off to the side, gazing out one of the double doors leading to the veranda, her head tilted back as her eyes were locked with the ocean's sky. The off-shoulder strips of fabric that formed her sleeves exposed the expanse of pale skin that covered her arms and shoulders. The dress was ivory and decorated with golden embroidery. It was well-fitted, hugging Reina's figure, showing off her tiny waist and fanned hips. Her hair was lifted from her neck and curled into a bun at the back of her head, a braid running across the side of her head.

She never once glanced in his direction in the time he watched her – she probably wasn't even aware that he had arrived. He was struck with a bolt of annoyance at her indifferent attitude. He reached out and took Sylvia's hand, tugging her closer to the throne. This triggered a spate of whispers from their audience, some of whom even sought Reina out to observe her reaction.

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