Chapter 11: The Consolation

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Reina was half-awake when her husband pulled her into his arms and kissed her. His hands were suddenly at her hips, then slid up towards her breasts. Her skin tingled where he'd touched her, the residual heat from his hands lingering on her.

One of his hands stopped at her stomach, caressing the flesh there. It was a new habit – he never used to do that before.

He caught her bottom lip between both of his as he pulled away, breaking from the kiss. He tugged at them playfully, occasionally nibbling on the soft flesh in his mouth. The hand at her midriff dipped further down, to between her legs. She subconsciously spread her legs for him, allowing him access. He fondled her clit for a moment, fingers rubbing into her erogenous tissues. Reina sighed blissfully into his mouth. It was quite a way to wake up.

She wondered if he'd been awake for long. It felt like he had just been waiting for her to become conscious, since he pounced on her the moment she stirred.

The prince flipped her onto her front, then took his place behind her. Thumbs spread her vulva lips apart as he plunged into her. Reina stared out beyond the foot of the bed and noticed that it was bright in the room. She glanced at the window to her left to confirm that it was indeed past the dawn and Delwyn was still in her room. It was an unusual occurrence that had only happened a handful of times.

The solid presence inside her scraped at the folds of her pussy, nudging them aside each time he delved inside her. He was still going considerably slower than he had before they were aware of her pregnancy. She liked it and yet she also felt a craving for the faster pace that he used to constantly adopt.

She still felt slightly mortified when she remembered her actions from the night before, when she tried to persuade him to go deeper inside her and he had to remind her of the child in her womb. It was so early in her pregnancy that at times, she forgot about it completely.

Well, not right now though. At that moment, the baby was making its presence known. She felt her body tense and her vagina tighten around her husband's penis as a result. He groaned behind her as she felt him stifling his cry against her stinging nape, which she'd felt his teeth at a few moments prior. Ah, he was back to his bad habits. She wasn't sure she wanted to see her reflection.

Moments later, she felt him jerking against her as a familiar warmth spread out from behind her navel. The white seed spilled out from inside her. She let him finish enjoying his orgasm, and when he stilled, she lightly nudged him off her. She didn't see his puzzled face as she leaped off the bed and hurried to the bathroom.

The toilet in Aquina was a seat with a hole in it. It resembled a toilet from the surface but didn't have the cistern. Originally, she wasn't sure if this feature had been installed just for her but found her answer in the fact that it seemed to appear in all the bathrooms in the palace. She leaned over it and puked out her meal from the night before. The magical apparatus immediately absorbed all the impurities, coaxing it down the hole in the toilet. Reina inhaled some of the water around her, then spat it down the bowl to wash her mouth of the taste. She was about to stand up when she shook her head and was once again kneeling over the toilet seat. This time, while she regurgitated, she felt large hands pulling her hair back from her face.

"Are you alright?" he asked as she washed the last of the vomit from her mouth with some sea water.

"Yes," she answered with an only slightly hoarse voice. "This happens every morning."

He looked concerned. "Have you spoken to Laiken about it?" He scrunched his face up as he said his cousin's name.

"No. It's a normal symptom. It's not that serious. I'm still able to have breakfast after." She tried to stand. Her husband helped her to her feet and followed after her as she started towards the bedroom. On her way, she caught her reflection in the full-length mirror and paused.

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