Chapter 28: The Departure

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Reina panted into the table as its legs screeched against the tiled ground. Delwyn, who had been holding back for months throughout her pregnancy, drove himself against her hard. He sank the entirety of his penis between her legs, staring down at the red lips that continuously swallowed his cock, stretched around his girth lewdly. Her ass, that had gotten more plush in the months leading up to Cadeyrn's birth and hadn't diminished, jiggled with his movements.

There were red handprints on them from when he'd smacked them earlier. He wasn't really all that fond of hurting his wife, but Reina enjoyed it so much that it had triggered another orgasm in her.

The memory of her pussy constricting around him with her pleasure made his testicles throb. His pace faltered slightly and he slipped out of her by accident. He sighed softly, then plunged himself back in, but he didn't resume his hurried thrusting. He leaned forward and kissed her shoulder blades, moving his hips from side to side so that he still lightly stimulated them both.

Red marks covered her back and neck – he knew there were more on her chest and breasts, even though they were out of sight for him at that moment. The maids would probably see all the marks he left on her when she went to breastfeed their child, but he didn't care. He wanted them to see it. That's why he had used his mana on each one.

"Reina." He made a particularly hard jab into her, causing her to flinch and a cry to escape her gritted teeth. "Reina, I love you." More of their collective liquids splashed against their thighs – there were wet trails down both their legs, leading to the pools of white liquid on the ground that had come from them. Mostly him.

Reina didn't respond to his declarations of love. He didn't think she would, of course, but that didn't stop him from voicing it out anyway. Her body reacted to it, though, her vaginal walls tensing every time he called her name or told her that he loved her.

Why? Why does she react like this if she doesn't love me back? It frustrated him to no end. Why is she so sure that she isn't in love with me?

"Delwyn... please move," Reina said quietly. He obliged, shoving himself into her, stretching her sheath to its limit. His lips curled up as he pressed them against her smooth skin one last time. He then leaned back and took up the same rhythm as before.

The feel of Reina beneath him, clenching around his cock while her scent saturated the air around them... Delwyn despaired at his situation, even as sparks of pleasure went off in his brain. This woman, who he loved so much... she wouldn't be his for much longer.

He gritted his teeth as even with his grief, he felt his peak creeping up on him. He rammed into her repeatedly and when she started clenching at his cock, he felt his own orgasm triggered. He howled her name and drove himself completely inside her, fully sheathing his climaxing length. The throbbing pleasure seemed to pass between them, through the symbiotic connection they shared.

More semen streamed down from their point of connection, further adding to the slipping hazards all over the floor. The tablecloth was inundated with darkened spots, some with white globs of cum sitting atop the wet stains.

Despite himself, Delwyn prayed that his seed would take root in her. He knew it was unlikely – she had just given birth. Besides, he knew that humans entered their fertile period far more often than his kind did, but he didn't fully understand how her reproductive system worked. For her to be able to conceive once more in a mere month since giving birth felt unthinkable. Still, he hoped. Even if it didn't stop the divorce, maybe it would result in her coming back to him imminently.

He was disgusted with himself, resorting to such desperate, underhanded methods to keep Reina by his side. But losing her was so daunting that he couldn't help himself holding on to such a bleak hope.

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