Chapter 24: The Dream

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Delwyn's tail lightly flicked back and forth in his anticipation. It was late morning. Reina usually awakened at about this time, so he expected her to visit him imminently to wish him happy birthday.

"Your highness. You seem excited," Osharus remarked.

"Of course," he answered ambiguously, the coral-quill in his hand continuously spun around his fingers. He was fidgety and it showed.

"Is Lady Reina coming by the office today?" Osharus fished for the answer he wanted, trying to keep his tone light.

"Probably. It's my birthday, isn't it? And she's my wife, so..."


Delwyn smiled down at the document in front of him. Things between him and Reina couldn't be any better. On the day of the Winter's End Ball, the anti-imperialists had plotted to ruin his relationship with Reina. It had backfired. They had made up and were closer than ever. He was back in the emperor's quarters with his wife, sharing meals with her once more. They'd had make-up sex, but not slept together much after. Reina's sex drive had decreased exponentially, but he didn't mind. Getting to be by her side, sleeping with his body curled around hers... that was satisfying enough.

After hearing how Reina had been perturbed by what she thought was him and Sylvia sleeping together, he had become far more optimistic about his chances. He was convinced that she had some feelings for him. Perhaps not to the same depth of his, but it could be someday, as long as he continued to stoke that fire.

Maybe in a year's time... things will be different.

How things had changed in a mere year. He could barely recall what he had been doing a year ago. It had been his birthday... what had he even done?

"Osharus. Did I receive a birthday present from Sylvia last year?" he asked.

"I think you did. Some kind of accessory, I believe."

Oh yeah. The cufflinks. He made a mental note to return to his wardrobe and discard the item when he was next in his room. After what she had pulled, the mere thought of Sylvia left a bad taste in his mouth. How he had ever thought she was charming was beyond him. Sure, the anti-imperialists had used her, possibly manipulated her. However, as he now had an inkling of her true personality, he didn't think they had to push her very far.

Delwyn put the siren out of his mind. It was a waste of time and energy, thinking about her. No, he would rather spend his mental capacities on more worthwhile things. Like Reina.

His turquoise eyes fell on the door for the third time in the last minute. He couldn't wait for her visit.

"Reina." He bent over so that he could level his narrowed gaze at her.


"What day is it?"

"...Your birthday?"

"Right. So why haven't you come to see me?"

Reina blinked twice. Before she could answer, the waiters served them their meal, laying out more ostentatious dishes than usual.

"Thank you, Aldyn, Orta," she thanked the waiters. Delwyn glided to his seat, then sat in his seat at the head of the table sulkily. When the waiters had departed, leaving the couple in the dining room by themselves, Reina turned her attention back to him. "Happy birthday, Delwyn."

He grunted in reply.

"Delwyn. Have you forgotten about the contract?"

His mood darkened further. If she was trying to cheer him up, this was not the way to go about it.

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