Chapter 23: The Plot

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Reina was in low spirits as her maids dressed her for the Winter's End Ball. She hadn't seen her husband for two weeks, not since the day she'd rejected his confession of love for her.

He hadn't returned to their room at all. Reina thought of suggesting that she return to her original room and vacate the emperor's quarters for him, but no one would let her, on his strict orders. He had anticipated that action on her part. He had even planned things out for his absence, including finding more maids for her – vetted by Leth – that will be on call at night, in case she experienced cravings or needed help getting to the bathroom.

She couldn't seek him out, of course, as that would violate the contract. She thought about it, though, weighing up its perceived benefits and costs.

I can handle being incarcerated for a while... No, no, I'm pregnant now, I have to think of the baby. Besides, even if I did go to see him, what would I say? It's not like I can return his feelings...

As Reina agonized over what to do, two weeks passed her by, and suddenly it was the night of the Winter's End Ball.

She was less keen to go than usual. There were too many unknowns to factor in. Whether her husband would be there, what he would say to her, how he would feel as they continued to act like a married couple – whether he would even bother at all. After all, her husband was a rather rebellious, stubborn man. There was a high chance of him choosing to continue to ignore her even under the public eye.

"You look beautiful, my lady," Leth told her.

Reina gazed at her reflection. I look tired. She thought to herself.

"Thank you," she replied to Leth. She tried to get to her feet from the vanity stool and ended up needing assistance from all four of her maids. She nodded her gratitude to them then crossed over to the door. As unwilling as Reina was, her sense of duty had been drilled into her. Her presence was expected at that ball, so unless she was dying, she refused to miss out on it. She made her way to the doors and her maids opened it for her.

Someone stood beyond the doorway and Reina blinked up at her husband's tired-looking face, his hair groomed back from his face.

Delwyn gave her a wry smile as he offered her his arm.


"Shall we?" he prompted.

Reina took his arm silently, unable to tear her eyes off her husband. Questions swirled in her head. She couldn't quite figure out which one to ask him, whether she should even pose any of her questions to him.

"Are you alright?" her husband broke the silence first. "You don't look well... you don't have to force yourself tonight."

You don't look like you're faring any better than I am. Reina wanted to comment, but she thought that it would be too insensitive. After all, she was the one who had caused him to be in that state.

Reina gripped his arm tight and shook her head lightly. "I'm fine."

The following silence was awkward.

Reina scrambled to think of a conversation topic to defuse the uncomfortable atmosphere, but nothing came to mind. Much like the last two weeks, they reached the ballroom before she could come up with an acceptable thing to say.

She felt dread pool in the bottom of her stomach as she took in the emperor and empress's throne on the raised platform. Delwyn escorted her towards the chairs, but to her surprise, didn't help her into the empress's one. Instead, he delivered his opening speech while standing, Reina's hand still in the crook of his arm.

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