Chapter 30: The Confession

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Delwyn entered his office and his eyes met Osharus's. He understood immediately, glancing at the envelope in Osharus's hand that was being obliterated from existence.

"Why," Delwyn growled. "Why do they keep sending it? I made myself perfectly clear."

"You underestimate the ambitions of the nobles. All the families want to be related to the next empress. And you've more than proven that you can be a devoted, affectionate husband, so it's not like the daughters are unwilling either. With your divorce to Lady Reina announced, you've become the most eligible bachelor in Aquina, sire," Osharus remarked dryly.

"I'm a father," he said. "Isn't that supposed to be an unappealing thing?"

"You do make quite an endearing picture, the way you refused to let go of your son even during the heir announcement ball."

Delwyn grimaced, baring his teeth for a moment as he recalled that awful event. Cadeyrn had been in his arms almost perpetually during the gathering, which had been shortened due to the infant's attendance. He expected Cadeyrn to act as a sort of deterrent against all the thirsty mermaids, but that had barely thwarted them. Daughter after daughter of aristocratic family had been introduced to him, looking up at him from behind their batting eyelashes.

"They were never like this before..." Delwyn lamented. Even after he had come of age, or when he had returned from the war victorious... the only woman who had dared to approach him with those kinds of intentions in mind was Sylvia.

"Nobody dared. Everyone knows that the prince is off-limits until his Chosen is appointed. Only someone truly shameless would dare to attempt such a thing," Osharus remarked, emphasizing his thinly veiled insult at Sylvia.

Now that Delwyn could look back on the matter, he rather agreed. They had seemed like star-crossed lovers at the time, but every single citizen in Aquina knew that the crown prince was taken for his future Chosen... whoever that may be. Attempting to court him and tempting him to break his celibacy before his marriage was informally seen as a crime against the throne.

"It's only been six weeks since Reina's been gone... it's disgusting how eager they are."

"Well, you did continuously assert that Lady Reina's position was temporary in the beginning. At the time, everyone thought Sylvia was going to replace her, but with both those women out of the picture, everyone seems to think they have a chance."

"Thanks for bringing up my past mistakes, Osharus. It's not like I hate myself enough already."

Osharus gave him a lop-sided smile. "Indeed."

Delwyn looked down at his documents and tried to focus on doing his work. It was a welcome change to the horrible thoughts that continued to haunt him. His every waking moment was filled with memories of his ex-wife. It only felt slightly better when he was distracted from them by paperwork or Cadeyrn.

He wanted it to hurt less... but he also couldn't bear the thought of moving on to another woman. Even if it would help diminish the pain, he refused.

Nine and a half more months... he tried to console himself. Just a bit longer, and he would see Reina again.

"Enter," Osharus called and Delwyn frowned at his aide. He hadn't even heard the knock.

"Duke Allunn," Delwyn greeted.

"Uncle," Osharus bowed his head.

"I have a message from Princess Cassiana, your highness," Duke Allunn said, smiling slightly at his master's beloved son.

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