Chapter 3: The Wedding

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In the two weeks leading up to their wedding, Delwyn visited Reina once more, in the nighttime. It produced much the same results as their first time. He shoved himself inside her, pounding against her unwilling flesh as she lay unmoving under him. The second time hurt less, thanks to some painkilling magic, but Reina's dry insides did not accommodate his invasion any more than the first. She didn't move, simply lay unmoving as she endured his onslaught. He tried until he couldn't anymore, until his manhood had shrunken to the point of being unable to penetrate her.

He let out a frustrated growl at the end and left her chambers without another word, slamming the doors behind him.

Reina watched him leave, sighing.

A day after that, she got her period. Someone must have reported it to him because he stopped visiting her at night. While she was glad for the temporary reprieve which allowed her to further research the blessing and necessity of their marriage, she too was troubled over their inability to effectively couple. She was unsure what to do – it wasn't a topic she ever received training about. It was to be part of her bridal studies, which she wasn't to commence until her engagement became confirmed. In the end, her grandfather never arranged a marriage for her, so she was in the dark about how to perform night duties. She believed that her male counterpart would be able to take care of everything, but it soon became evident to Reina that her human body differed too much from his lover's mermaid one. Or so she assumed – Reina didn't know enough on the subject matter to comment.

It frustrated her. Reina was used to excelling. She didn't like the fact that they were failing, even if it was in something she hadn't particularly wanted to do in the first place.

If she had the internet, she could look up reference material, but that was not an option.

What was an option, was the library. Already, every day since she'd come to begin her life as the prince's future consort, she'd spent in the library. On the first day, the handmaids followed her dutifully, complaining the entire time. But as hours passed and Reina showed no signs of leaving the library, they left without notifying her. All except one, who Reina had learned was called Leth.

"Leth, you don't have to follow me," Reina told her, one week into her library visits. "I'm sure you have other things to do than to watch me read all day."

The young mermaid shook her head, causing her blonde curls to dance in the water. "It is my duty to watch and escort you, my lady."

"Won't they give you trouble for this?" Reina asked, referring to her other handmaids. Leth looked up at her in some surprise, a slight flush settling over her cheekbones as she realized Reina was concerned about her.

She shook her head, a sad smile gracing her lips. "They would, either way. I'm different from them."

Reina had noticed that unlike the rest of the mermaid handmaidens, Leth's tail was not scaly. It looked rubbery, with spots on. It was a seal's tail.

"Is it because you're a selkie?" Reina guessed.

Leth laughed. "You're rather observant, my lady, but that isn't it. It's because my grandfather was a surface-dweller, like you."

"Ah," Reina said, enlightened. That explained Leth's behavior towards Reina as well. She didn't openly make the discriminatory comments that the handmaids did nor did she appear to find Reina 'filthy', like the rest did. They served her meals and cleaned her room, but they refused to touch her. In the end, they left Leth to prepare Reina for the day. Of course, Reina didn't need that much help – she was perfectly capable of dressing herself. The water kingdom's female clothing did not differ that much from what she was used to. Everything, that is, except for her lower undergarments. Those... did not exist. Not for people with legs, anyhow.

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