Chapter 6: The Library

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"And then Til and Alune presented me with this new ruby ring. Isn't it pretty, Del?" Sylvia flaunted her slender fingers at her lover.

"Mm," he replied.

She frowned. "Were you listening to me at all, Del?"


Sylvia decided to bring out her strongest weapon. She puffed her cheeks and pouted, crossing her arms over her chest so that her arms pushed her breasts upward. Her cleavage deepened tantalizingly.

Delwyn's gaze was directed at the wall, so he didn't notice her attempts at obtaining his attention. In his head, he was replaying his conversation with Reina from two nights ago.

By the time his nude wife had climbed into his lap and her lips touched his, he'd forgotten his earlier frustrations from their argument. A one-sided argument. He was well-aware that Reina probably considered it less of an argument and more of a verbal beating.

His pride still stung, but it was far overshadowed by his growing lust. His hands encircled her waist, caressing the smooth skin. In truth, he didn't care whether there was some discrepancy between the amount of food eaten by humans or merfolk. It didn't change the fact that she felt too small to him. How was she supposed to bear a child with a body this thin?

Reina broke their kiss, then started to shimmy down his lap. He watched her curiously. At first, he had been wary whenever she tried something new. When he found that he had enjoyed every one of her unusual acts, he stopped doubting her. Instead, he anticipated her new, foreign actions with great excitement. She undid the buttons of his pants, then pulled it down enough to let his hardened manhood out. She wrapped her tiny hands around his hot shaft and started pumping it, her pace gentle at first, then vigorous. He leaned back against the headboard and sighed contentedly, closing his eyes.

He'd ended his honeymoon and returned to his office that day, but he hadn't gotten much work done. He'd been in a state of semi-arousal the whole day. Honestly, he had neglected his royal duties for far longer than he intended. After his first night of successfully consummating his marriage to Reina, he'd given Osharus notice of his absence. Osharus had agreed to take care of his urgent matters for a day. He'd also had someone send a message to Sylvia to make his excuses for him. He couldn't bear to lie to her face about why he was cancelling their usual daily lunch date.

And then he had eagerly returned to Reina.

A wet warmth he had never felt before enveloped his turgid excitement and he blinked his eyes open. Delwyn looked down at his wife to find that his penis was inside her mouth. He flinched as she sucked him, while her fist squeezed and wiggled over the rest of the shaft that couldn't fit between her lips. He observed her movements through a haze of pleasure and fascination. She pressed her tongue against him, tracing underneath the head of his dick, then up the indent that led to his urethra.

He was already panting, his cyan eyes darkened with desire as he gazed down at his wife. She lavished her attention on the twitching member in her mouth. Despite himself, he found that he was enjoying her unabashed perversion as she sucked and licked him beyond the point of full rigidity.

Delwyn was reaching over to caress her soft hair when she pulled back and looked at him. He shot a look at her as his dick jerked in protest at suddenly being neglected.

"I need to ask you for a favor."

He laughed, the sound full of disbelief. "Right now?"

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