Chapter 19: The Confrontation

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Things at her business had settled down. Enough, at least, that it didn't require her constant attention. As expected, Dart and Morwen had been let go from the academy. Neither assistant seemed all too concerned about it, though. The Magic Academy had sent them a letter about using the academy's IP. The new business owners then sent back the eyewitness accounts of multiple people hearing Marsious boldly surrendering the Magic Academy's rights to the intellectual property of the magical tools, as well as evidence that a lot of the magic that had gone into the tools had actually come from Reina and her knowledge aboveground, therefore should technically not be subject to the Magic Academy's authority.

The academy had yet to reply. Reina foresaw them pursuing the matter, possibly taking them to court.

But she had several contingency plans for if that happened, so Reina wasn't too concerned.

"My lady." Leth approached her with a look of annoyance etched upon her features. "I have a message from Baltic. Apparently, Lady Sylvia wants to meet with you. She's waiting for you outside your room – he won't let her inside."

What does she want now? Reina wondered. She closed her book and returned it to the shelf before making her way out of the library and to her room. I suppose the time has come for a confrontation. She could think of no other reason why Sylvia would approach her.

When they were in sight and found Baltic and Sylvia, with two of her handmaids, standing outside the room, Reif spoke up. "Lady Reina, I have something to attend to, so I'll be right back."

It was unusual behavior from one of her guards. They were exceptionally vigilant in their work and usually never left her side unless they had someone to take over the duty of protecting her.

"Of course, Reif. Do as you must," Reina responded.

Reina had one other guard, anyway. And Leth was sticking close to her, the selkie's gaze determined. Reina didn't feel threatened at all.

"Lady Sylvia." Reina bowed her head. Sylvia returned the gesture, but not the greeting.

"I need to talk to you." Sylvia eyed Reina's handmaid with open distaste. "Alone."

Leth's eyes narrowed at Sylvia.

"Alright. Come."

Reina brushed past Sylvia and entered her room. The siren followed behind with some hesitance. Reina couldn't tell if she was pretending or not. The door closed behind them, shutting them in the room.

If Reina had guests, she would customarily show them some hospitality, offering them a seat or some beverage. However, Sylvia wasn't an honored guest and it was rather clear what her intentions were, so Reina had no intention of showing her any consideration.

Sylvia didn't waste any time getting into the heart of the matter.

"I'm pregnant," she said and there was a hint of victory in her voice. "With Del's baby, of course."

Reina didn't react at all but when the silence dragged out, it was clear that Sylvia was waiting for Reina to say something.

"Alright. And?" Reina prompted. Sylvia's eyes narrowed.

"As Del's rightful partner, don't you think it's best that your baby not stand in the way of our love child? You know the only reason Del married and impregnated you was to receive the Great Coral's blessing and avoid some misfortune from befalling the kingdom. But I've had his baby for a few weeks now and nothing has happened, has it? It clearly proves that you're not needed here, so don't you think you should leave?" Sylvia's tone was pleasant on the surface, but her words definitely weren't.

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