Chapter 26: The Birth

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"Enter." Delwyn looked up from his work. "Raonel," Delwyn greeted.

"I'm here to report that the refurbishments are finished, your highness."

Delwyn glanced over at his wife, who had gained a habit of doing her needlework in the receiving area of his office. The coffee table amidst all the couches were laden with all her craft materials, as well as some finished pieces of clothing for the baby. Reina, of course, easily mastered the skill.

As occasionally distracting as it was to have Reina in his office, he liked having her there, even if she wasn't helping with paperwork. It had been Osharus's suggestion, as Delwyn was having trouble not worrying about Reina when she was out of sight. Reina constantly dismissed her maids, citing that she didn't need their help while she was just in the room, then struggled to make it to the bathroom or off the bed.

Reina looked up at Raonel, curious about this new development.

"The nursery is done," he told her.


The palace had a specific wing meant for royal children, the Cerulis Wing, which Delwyn himself had lived in for a century or so. When he was younger than that, he lived in the Empress's Wing with his mother. Before he had become the acting emperor, he rarely stepped into the main wing, except for events or other such gatherings.

But with he and his wife living in the main wing of the palace, he didn't want for their baby to end up in the Cerulis Wing, which was quite a distance away. So he had a series of rooms renovated and refurbished. Coincidentally – Reina's old room, the butler's room, was one of the rooms that had been incorporated into the nursery.

"Shall we go see our child's room, my wife?" he asked. Reina nodded, setting aside her work.

Of course, Osharus was not consulted for this break. He couldn't complain, though – Reina had changed Delwyn. For the better. Delwyn hadn't taken paperwork very seriously, even before he had started seeing Sylvia. It had been such a strain trying to make Delwyn concentrate on his work, but in recent times, Delwyn took his work with far more enthusiasm and solemnity, actively trying to improve the issues he came across.

He often asked his wife on her opinion about it too, which probably helped to maintain his interest in issues pertaining to governing the empire.

"We'll be back, Osharus," Delwyn said. Osharus waved the couple away as he continued with sorting the paperwork so that it got to where it meant to.

Hand-in-hand, the royal couple made their way towards the nursery with Raonel escorting them.

"We've ordered all the supplies that was on the list, plus some extra items," Raonel explained.

"How about the staff? When can we meet them?"

"Whenever you like, your highness."

Both Reina and Delwyn were anxious that the maids and nursemaids caring for their child might take advantage of their position and secretly abuse the vulnerable child. After all, the baby wouldn't be able to protest against the treatment, so they needed to be absolutely sure that these servants were loyal to the throne and did not have some kind of vendetta against surface-dwellers.

Reina had asked for her knights to be transferred to their child. Delwyn wondered if that was her way of saying that she no longer needed those escorts, as she was leaving Aquina after the child was born.

Yet, Delwyn was optimistic. His wife had been more affectionate and loving to him recently. She had even allowed him into her dreams – surely that counted for something.

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