Chapter 31: The Reunion

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Reina blew out a breath that formed a white cloud in front of her. She murmured a soft spell to increase the warmth within the skin of magic she had cast around her.

Winter was just beginning, but a cold snap had fallen upon them. She had dressed as warmly as she could, donning three layers of clothing. But the wind outside the Evenstad Main House was brutal. And she would have to endure over an hour of it while remaining idle.

She had done this for the last two weeks or so. She would ring the doorbell, announce her presence, then wait outside the house until her grandfather was willing to see her or at least make an appointment to see her.

Reina didn't usually mind the waiting, though she worried for the sake of the baby in her womb.

Well... at least, she didn't usually mind the waiting. Today she was more fidgety than usual.

She kept replaying her dream in her head.

It might not have been the real Delwyn... Reina thought, but she knew for sure that it was. Reina placed her head in her hands, ashamed of herself. She had really misbehaved. Not only had she confessed her feelings for Delwyn at the spur of the moment, but she had accidentally given away the existence of their child by being an idiot. She had become so careful of her belly once again that when she felt him exerting pressure on it, she had panicked, even though their baby's existence would not be threatened in her dream.

So stupid... she inwardly lamented, truly regretful of her rash actions. Maybe what mother said about pregnant women getting their brains scrambled just from having a baby wasn't a complete myth...

Shortly after discovering her pregnancy, Reina's symptoms showed themselves with a vengeance. She threw up every morning but unlike when she was pregnant with Cadeyrn, she didn't regain her appetite afterwards. She felt sick for most of the day, to the point that she found it hard to stomach any food she ate, no matter the time of the day.

It was so severe that Reina couldn't keep it a secret.

"Were you... throwing up again?" Alice asked as Reina returned to the table. It was a public holiday, so her entire family was home from work or school for once.

"Yes. But I'm fine now," Reina told her. "Thank you for asking."

"Honey, are you sure you don't want to see a doctor?" Erika asked. When she'd first discovered Reina puking one morning two days ago, she'd tried to persuade her eldest daughter to consult a doctor, but Reina had declined.

"I'm sure, mother," Reina replied with a tight smile.

"Jeez. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were pregnant," Jared commented with a short laugh. No one joined in. Alan cleared his throat, then locked gazes with Reina.

"Are you, Reina?" he asked seriously.

"Alan!" Erika growled.

"Dad!" Alice joined in, glowering at her father.

Reina took a deep breath, then set down her cutlery. She wasn't really in the mood to eat anyway. "Father. You deserve to know. The answer is yes. I'm pregnant."

Erika gasped and her spoon dropped noisily against the floor. Jared's fell into his plate.

"Sis...?" Alice prompted with wide eyes.

"I can't tell you all the details, but the year I was away... I had a baby. A different one. This isn't my first pregnancy."

"What?!" Alan exclaimed.

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