Chapter 5: The Visit

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"Ngh! Ah!" Reina cried out as Delwyn pierced her for the umpteenth time. His mouth covered hers, muffling the sounds as his tongue crossed over into her mouths, twirling around hers. It had been two days since they'd shared that first initial kiss. Reina nearly smiled when she recalled how wary he had been at the time.

Now he's the one who keeps shoving his tongue in my mouth...

She clutched his shoulder, before running her fingernails down his back. Not enough to hurt him, but enough for it to be stimulating. He seemed to like that.

Her legs were curled around his waist, her ankles crossed behind his back. He held her against the wall, the same one she'd tried to break all that time ago. He drove her repeatedly into the wall with his thrusts, her butt slapping noisily against his thighs. She rather pitied the guards outside her room, who she assumed were subjected to the animalistic noises they continued to make as they copulated. If she knew her husband was going to stay this long, she would have dismissed them. As it was, nobody approached their room. Food was teleported into their room, oftentimes going ignored for hours while he indulged in her body.

His initial hesitance seemed to be gone. Reina would awaken in the middle of the night to him arousing her with a kiss or his mouth clamped over her breast. When he noticed that she'd awoken, he would slide himself into her, his member having been standing at the ready.

Reina's stamina wasn't bad, but she absolutely lost out to Delwyn, who seemed to ravage her with a vengeance, as if he was making up for lost time.

He sucked and nibbled on her bruised lips, then his mouth dropped to her neck, making another red mark. She'd been shocked to see her reflection when she'd gone to the bathroom. She looked like she'd been attacked by a swarm of mosquitoes. Angry red marks dotted her entire body, even her calves. They'd had sex with her legs draped over his shoulders. He had seen his mouth's proximity to her legs as an opportunity to mark them.

In contrast, he sported a third of her marks. Reina was often too busy moaning or crying out to suckle at his skin.

She rubbed her cheek against his shoulder, holding onto him tightly as he repeatedly prodded at her sensitive spots. He'd done extensive experimenting with her body the day before, testing to see which parts of her sheath reacted most to being stimulated. Now he aimed for them on each inward thrust.

"Nngh," she groaned as she felt him orgasming inside her, painting her walls white once more. Another climax rippled through her. She panted into his shoulder as her insides tightened around his engorged penis, milking him dry. She blinked up in time to see the waters around them swirl with white. Reina knew most marine animals employed external fertilisation and had to inseminate thousands of eggs, but the sheer amount of semen tainting the water still filled her with awe. It seemed that merfolk still bred employing internal fertilization, though, so Reina wasn't sure whether there was much evolutionary connection there. She'd have to look into it further.

He lifted her from the wall and as they collapsed as a tangled heap into the bed, his cock stabbed deep inside her. His hands curled around her thighs and he begun thrusting once more.

"Wait. Wait, wait." Reina pressed her hand against his abs, the muscles rippling underneath her palm as his movements into her slowly halted. He frowned down unhappily at her, but acquiesced, withdrawing from inside her. "I need a break," she said breathlessly.

He wasn't happy about it... but he didn't force her. He crawled up the bed so he could lie beside her without their bodies touching.

Two days... Those two days were a haze of sex and little else. The morning after their successful mating, he'd disappeared when she woke up and she thought he would return later that night, but moments after she dozed off, he was back at it, nipping at her skin and playing with her clit.

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